The Family Business

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The Family Business Peters, Geoff

* Campos Obligatorios

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Información adicional

Código 9781496472618
Páginas 160
Autor Peters, Geoff
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2021-12-14
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers
Living less than your greater purpose? This parable will lead you to a life of significance.
Families are complicated-no one knows that more than Jesse. As the founder of Jesse’s Hardware, he has invested years in starting a business and growing it into a nationally known franchise with a reputation of excellence. Jesse’s Hardware stores touch countless lives by always providing the right tool, at the right time, for the perfect long-term repair. Everyone knows Jesse’s Hardware!

But Jesse is getting older. It’s time for the next generation to step in and take the family business to more communities that need the caring support of Jesse’s Hardware. Jesse’s children have a choice to make. How do Evie, Dave, Zach, Becca, and Mo change their lives so that they can step into their father’s mission? Do they allow fear and uncertainly to keep them from living the life they were made for?

The Family Business will help you to examine your faith in light of a good father who wants his kids to experience the joy of his work, and the help that his business brings.

As you dive into this accessible parable, you’ll find yourself in the back-stories of the kids who struggle with issues that each of us face. You may see your need for control, ambition, security, comfort, and self-sufficiency. And, it may be a catalyst for you to lean into love and learn how to use your gifts and talents to help others.


Living less than your greater purpose? This parable will lead you to a life of significance.
Families are complicated-no one knows that more than Jesse. As the founder of Jesse’s Hardware, he has invested years in starting a business and growing it into a nationally known franchise with a reputation of excellence. Jesse’s Hardware stores touch countless lives by always providing the right tool, at the right time, for the perfect long-term repair. Everyone knows Jesse’s Hardware!

But Jesse is getting older. It’s time for the next generation to step in and take the family business to more communities that need the caring support of Jesse’s Hardware. Jesse’s children have a choice to make. How do Evie, Dave, Zach, Becca, and Mo change their lives so that they can step into their father’s mission? Do they allow fear and uncertainly to keep them from living the life they were made for?

The Family Business will help you to examine your faith in light of a good father who wants his kids to experience the joy of his work, and the help that his business brings.

As you dive into this accessible parable, you’ll find yourself in the back-stories of the kids who struggle with issues that each of us face. You may see your need for control, ambition, security, comfort, and self-sufficiency. And, it may be a catalyst for you to lean into love and learn how to use your gifts and talents to help others.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781496472618
Páginas 160
Autor Peters, Geoff
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2021-12-14
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers

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