. The Tale of Therese

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. The Tale of Therese Pittman, Allison
2,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781496423924
Páginas 160
Autor Pittman, Allison
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2017-08-22
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
1504, Brunnendorf, Germany
Eight year-old Therese longs for a home. Fatherless and living in one, small room with her mother, Therese is sent to visit her grandparents in the next town when men come to visit. Shes hoping this man will be the one who marries her mother and gives them a home.

But on this day, while heading to her grandparents, she stops to pick up vegetables that have fallen off a passing wagon and is accused of being a beggar and attacked with stones. Rescued by a nun from the local convent, she brings Therese to the church, where she is cared for. In the loving arms of the nun, Therese wishes she could stay.

Leaving the convent for her grandparents house, Therese is welcomed in for the first time. Again, she longs to make this her home along with her mother, but realizes that grace and forgiveness dont come easy. What must be sacrificed to see her dream come true?


1504, Brunnendorf, Germany
Eight year-old Therese longs for a home. Fatherless and living in one, small room with her mother, Therese is sent to visit her grandparents in the next town when men come to visit. Shes hoping this man will be the one who marries her mother and gives them a home.

But on this day, while heading to her grandparents, she stops to pick up vegetables that have fallen off a passing wagon and is accused of being a beggar and attacked with stones. Rescued by a nun from the local convent, she brings Therese to the church, where she is cared for. In the loving arms of the nun, Therese wishes she could stay.

Leaving the convent for her grandparents house, Therese is welcomed in for the first time. Again, she longs to make this her home along with her mother, but realizes that grace and forgiveness dont come easy. What must be sacrificed to see her dream come true?
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781496423924
Páginas 160
Autor Pittman, Allison
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2017-08-22
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.

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