Revangelical. Becoming the Good News People Were Meant to Be

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Revangelical. Becoming the Good News People Were Meant to Be Ford, Lance

* Campos Obligatorios

15,99 $
15,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781496400345
Páginas 256
Autor Ford, Lance
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2014-09-01
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
When you hear the word evangelical, do you think "good news"? Thats what the word means, and its what we are meant to be. Yet the surrounding culture often views us as exactly the opposite. Calling yourself an evangelical too often means you are seen through a negative stereotype; people are apprehensive when they hear that an evangelical family has moved into the neighborhood. But is this the way it has to be? What would it look like if evangelical Christians were joyfully living out the gospel in such a way that the culture had no choice but to recognize us as Good News people?

Revangelical is a call to realign your heart with the things that most concerned Jesus--a bold message to get the Good News of the gospel of Jesus back into our heads, hearts, mouths, and feet. Full of stories of evangelicals who are living out the Good News and changing the world, Revangelical will inspire and equip us to relearn the heart of the gospel and to become the people God has called us to be.


When you hear the word evangelical, do you think "good news"? Thats what the word means, and its what we are meant to be. Yet the surrounding culture often views us as exactly the opposite. Calling yourself an evangelical too often means you are seen through a negative stereotype; people are apprehensive when they hear that an evangelical family has moved into the neighborhood. But is this the way it has to be? What would it look like if evangelical Christians were joyfully living out the gospel in such a way that the culture had no choice but to recognize us as Good News people?

Revangelical is a call to realign your heart with the things that most concerned Jesus--a bold message to get the Good News of the gospel of Jesus back into our heads, hearts, mouths, and feet. Full of stories of evangelicals who are living out the Good News and changing the world, Revangelical will inspire and equip us to relearn the heart of the gospel and to become the people God has called us to be.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781496400345
Páginas 256
Autor Ford, Lance
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2014-09-01
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.

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