Rhinestone Jesus

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Rhinestone Jesus Welch, Kristen

* Campos Obligatorios

12,99 $
12,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781414395913
Páginas 272
Autor Welch, Kristen
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2014-04-18
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers
In high school, Kristen Welch wore a big, sparkly rhinestone "Jesus" pin to school every day and carried her Bible wherever she went. (Yes, she was that girl.) But she didn’t realize her faith, though sincere, was shallow; much like her artificial accessory, it would one day tarnish, no longer a true fit for who she was. As real life catapulted Kristen into places and situations she’d never imagined, there came a day when she stood shocked in the slums of Africa and realized in one desperate moment that Jesus wasn’t enough for her. At least . . . she wasn’t living like He was. On the brink of a risk bigger than any she’d ever taken, Kristen knew she didn’t stand a chance-unless she was willing to put aside the rhinestones and get branded by the real thing. Rhinestone Jesus is the story of one woman’s journey from comfortably living a safe, "good-girl" faith that didn’t cost much, to realizing that God was daring her to say yes to a bolder, more authentic, more dangerous way. This story of spiritual adventure throws the doors wide open for any woman who’s ever thought of herself as "just a mom." Kristen will inspire and empower you to say yes to God right where you are-and stand amazed at how your life will shine.


In high school, Kristen Welch wore a big, sparkly rhinestone "Jesus" pin to school every day and carried her Bible wherever she went. (Yes, she was that girl.) But she didn’t realize her faith, though sincere, was shallow; much like her artificial accessory, it would one day tarnish, no longer a true fit for who she was. As real life catapulted Kristen into places and situations she’d never imagined, there came a day when she stood shocked in the slums of Africa and realized in one desperate moment that Jesus wasn’t enough for her. At least . . . she wasn’t living like He was. On the brink of a risk bigger than any she’d ever taken, Kristen knew she didn’t stand a chance-unless she was willing to put aside the rhinestones and get branded by the real thing. Rhinestone Jesus is the story of one woman’s journey from comfortably living a safe, "good-girl" faith that didn’t cost much, to realizing that God was daring her to say yes to a bolder, more authentic, more dangerous way. This story of spiritual adventure throws the doors wide open for any woman who’s ever thought of herself as "just a mom." Kristen will inspire and empower you to say yes to God right where you are-and stand amazed at how your life will shine.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781414395913
Páginas 272
Autor Welch, Kristen
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2014-04-18
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers

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