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Hide This in Your Heart Frost, Michael

* Campos Obligatorios

9,99 $
9,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781641582056
Páginas 176
Autor Frost, Michael
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2020-10-13
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial The Navigators
Memorizing Scripture has been proven to be an essential, life-giving practice for spiritual growth. Those who memorize passages from the Bible can point to how it’s given them greater assurance of God’s love and a deeper understanding of how to follow Jesus.

In this new resource by two leaders of the worldwide missional church movement, Scripture memorization is put to new use, helping believers in Jesus to become active partners in proclaiming and demonstrating that the Kingdom of God is living and active and good for the world.

Join Michael Frost and Graham Hill on this journey into the Bible, learn how your brain can be formed and transformed by the Scriptures, and find yourself better equipped to live and declare the good news of Jesus Christ.

Special features:
  • 80 tear-out memory verse cards, featuring 4 translations: NIV, ESV, NLT, and MSG
  • The tear-out verse cards use the BELLS method from the bestselling Surprise the World: Blessing others, Eating together, Learning Christ, Listening to the Spirit, Being Sent with a Missionary Focus
  • Follows the familiar, easy-to-use approach of the Topical Memory System
  • 20-week study immerses readers in each BELLS theme and accompanying memory verses
  • Appendixes provide alternative schedules for regular study and memorization
  • A recommended reading list supplements each theme in the BELLS method


Memorizing Scripture has been proven to be an essential, life-giving practice for spiritual growth. Those who memorize passages from the Bible can point to how it’s given them greater assurance of God’s love and a deeper understanding of how to follow Jesus.

In this new resource by two leaders of the worldwide missional church movement, Scripture memorization is put to new use, helping believers in Jesus to become active partners in proclaiming and demonstrating that the Kingdom of God is living and active and good for the world.

Join Michael Frost and Graham Hill on this journey into the Bible, learn how your brain can be formed and transformed by the Scriptures, and find yourself better equipped to live and declare the good news of Jesus Christ.

Special features:
  • 80 tear-out memory verse cards, featuring 4 translations: NIV, ESV, NLT, and MSG
  • The tear-out verse cards use the BELLS method from the bestselling Surprise the World: Blessing others, Eating together, Learning Christ, Listening to the Spirit, Being Sent with a Missionary Focus
  • Follows the familiar, easy-to-use approach of the Topical Memory System
  • 20-week study immerses readers in each BELLS theme and accompanying memory verses
  • Appendixes provide alternative schedules for regular study and memorization
  • A recommended reading list supplements each theme in the BELLS method
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781641582056
Páginas 176
Autor Frost, Michael
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2020-10-13
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial The Navigators

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