Bible-Smart: Matthew

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Bible-Smart: Matthew Nappa, Mike

* Campos Obligatorios

13,99 $
13,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781496486097
Páginas 296
Autor Nappa, Mike
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2023-04-18
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Rose Publishing

Dig into over 200 honest questions everyone has about the Bible with easy-to-understand and well-researched answers to help you dig even deeper!

Studying the Bible doesnt have to be a chore, and understanding Gods Word doesnt have to mean slogging through dull commentaries stuffed with theological jargon. Bible-Smart: Matthew is an invitation to sit down together and talk about honest questions everyone has about the Bible. Every page is a relaxed, fascinating, and enjoyable conversation through the Gospel of Matthew. Covering more than 200 questions, Mike Nappa gives well-researched and thoughtful, yet easy-to-understand answers to what youve always been curious about. Get answers to questions like:
  • Do we know where Jesus was buried?
  • No one seems to know what happened to Marys husband, Joseph - why?
  • Why does Jesus call himself the "Son of Man"?
  • And more!
Get Fascinating Answers to Over 200 Questions You’ve Always Wondered About!
There is joy in discovering the riches of Gods Word, and curiosity is the first step. Each Q&A can be read in under two minutes, making this book perfect for small-group Bible studies, young-adult ministries, or personal reading and devotion. This is a new kind of commentary for todays generation. Includes questions like:
  • What was it like to live with leprosy in Jesus time?
  • If Jesus clearly promises "you will receive what you ask for" in prayer, why do so many prayers go unanswered?
  • What does it mean that the curtain in the Temple was torn in two when Jesus died?
  • Do "outer darkness" and "weeping and gnashing of teeth" always refer to hell, or are there other interpretations?
  • Why was Peter so afraid of a little servant girl that he would deny even knowing Jesus?
  • And more!
If your spirit is hungry, then Bible-Smart: Matthew is where you can get fed. In here youll draw closer to Jesus as you develop a greater understanding of Gods Word-and awaken to the difference that it makes in your day-to-day life.

Key Features of Bible-Smart: Matthew
  • Over 200 Relevant Questions: Why does Jesus call himself the ‘Son of Man’? Why does the book of Matthew start with a genealogy? Will getting angry once really send me to hell? Get answers to all these questions you might have wondered but were afraid to ask!
  • Easy to Understand: Author Mike Nappa’s engaging and conversational writing style will feel like you’re asking a trusted, longtime friend everything you’ve ever wondered about the Bible. Cutting through academic language and getting straight to the point, Bible-Smart is clear, concise, and delivers complex concepts in simple ways so everyone can understand them!
  • Solid, Reliable Information: Enjoy having well-researched information with scriptures to back up expert answers. Focusing on Jesus birth, life, ministry, and resurrection, Bible-Smart will satisfy the most curious souls and leave you even more captivated with God’s Word than ever before!
Bible-Smart is perfect for:
  • Individual and group study
  • Youth groups
  • Teens and adults
  • Church libraries
  • Confirmation and graduation gifts
  • Discipleship
  • Pastors and church leaders
  • To hand to a friend
  • And more!



Dig into over 200 honest questions everyone has about the Bible with easy-to-understand and well-researched answers to help you dig even deeper!

Studying the Bible doesnt have to be a chore, and understanding Gods Word doesnt have to mean slogging through dull commentaries stuffed with theological jargon. Bible-Smart: Matthew is an invitation to sit down together and talk about honest questions everyone has about the Bible. Every page is a relaxed, fascinating, and enjoyable conversation through the Gospel of Matthew. Covering more than 200 questions, Mike Nappa gives well-researched and thoughtful, yet easy-to-understand answers to what youve always been curious about. Get answers to questions like:
  • Do we know where Jesus was buried?
  • No one seems to know what happened to Marys husband, Joseph - why?
  • Why does Jesus call himself the "Son of Man"?
  • And more!
Get Fascinating Answers to Over 200 Questions You’ve Always Wondered About!
There is joy in discovering the riches of Gods Word, and curiosity is the first step. Each Q&A can be read in under two minutes, making this book perfect for small-group Bible studies, young-adult ministries, or personal reading and devotion. This is a new kind of commentary for todays generation. Includes questions like:
  • What was it like to live with leprosy in Jesus time?
  • If Jesus clearly promises "you will receive what you ask for" in prayer, why do so many prayers go unanswered?
  • What does it mean that the curtain in the Temple was torn in two when Jesus died?
  • Do "outer darkness" and "weeping and gnashing of teeth" always refer to hell, or are there other interpretations?
  • Why was Peter so afraid of a little servant girl that he would deny even knowing Jesus?
  • And more!
If your spirit is hungry, then Bible-Smart: Matthew is where you can get fed. In here youll draw closer to Jesus as you develop a greater understanding of Gods Word-and awaken to the difference that it makes in your day-to-day life.

Key Features of Bible-Smart: Matthew
  • Over 200 Relevant Questions: Why does Jesus call himself the ‘Son of Man’? Why does the book of Matthew start with a genealogy? Will getting angry once really send me to hell? Get answers to all these questions you might have wondered but were afraid to ask!
  • Easy to Understand: Author Mike Nappa’s engaging and conversational writing style will feel like you’re asking a trusted, longtime friend everything you’ve ever wondered about the Bible. Cutting through academic language and getting straight to the point, Bible-Smart is clear, concise, and delivers complex concepts in simple ways so everyone can understand them!
  • Solid, Reliable Information: Enjoy having well-researched information with scriptures to back up expert answers. Focusing on Jesus birth, life, ministry, and resurrection, Bible-Smart will satisfy the most curious souls and leave you even more captivated with God’s Word than ever before!
Bible-Smart is perfect for:
  • Individual and group study
  • Youth groups
  • Teens and adults
  • Church libraries
  • Confirmation and graduation gifts
  • Discipleship
  • Pastors and church leaders
  • To hand to a friend
  • And more!
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781496486097
Páginas 296
Autor Nappa, Mike
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2023-04-18
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Rose Publishing

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