All the Feels

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Información adicional

Código 9781496441829
Páginas 288
Autor Thompson, Elizabeth Laing
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2020-09-08
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers
"All the Feels could turn your 2020 around!"
Emotions-love them or hate them, we’ve all got them.

And we’ve all got to figure out what to do with them. But wait-can we do anything about our emotions? Can we learn how to identify, express, experience-and yes, sometimes wrangle-our feelings in order to live a vibrant, healthy, fruitful life for Jesus?

In All the Feels, author Elizabeth Laing Thompson uses her experiences as a big feeler to encourage and equip different kinds of feelers with the biblical perspectives, practical tools, and scriptural reservoir they need. As a woman who has lived every day of her life having All The Big Feelings All The Day Long, Elizabeth knows what it’s like to live life through our emotions-and how important it is to understand, take control of, and grow from those emotions. Whether you have a sensitive soul with more feelings than you know how to name, a logical personality that doesn’t quite know what to do with feelings, or a steady flow of emotions somewhere in the middle, All the Feels will help you
  • discover your own God-designed "feelings style" and how it impacts your life and relationships,
  • distinguish fact from feeling and figure out which feelings you can trust, and
  • understand which emotional gifts God wants you to expand, explore, and enjoy.

Get ready to throw open the doors of your heart, bringing God to your emotions and your emotions to God-the One who invented feelings and who always welcomes yours.


"All the Feels could turn your 2020 around!"
Emotions-love them or hate them, we’ve all got them.

And we’ve all got to figure out what to do with them. But wait-can we do anything about our emotions? Can we learn how to identify, express, experience-and yes, sometimes wrangle-our feelings in order to live a vibrant, healthy, fruitful life for Jesus?

In All the Feels, author Elizabeth Laing Thompson uses her experiences as a big feeler to encourage and equip different kinds of feelers with the biblical perspectives, practical tools, and scriptural reservoir they need. As a woman who has lived every day of her life having All The Big Feelings All The Day Long, Elizabeth knows what it’s like to live life through our emotions-and how important it is to understand, take control of, and grow from those emotions. Whether you have a sensitive soul with more feelings than you know how to name, a logical personality that doesn’t quite know what to do with feelings, or a steady flow of emotions somewhere in the middle, All the Feels will help you
  • discover your own God-designed "feelings style" and how it impacts your life and relationships,
  • distinguish fact from feeling and figure out which feelings you can trust, and
  • understand which emotional gifts God wants you to expand, explore, and enjoy.

Get ready to throw open the doors of your heart, bringing God to your emotions and your emotions to God-the One who invented feelings and who always welcomes yours.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781496441829
Páginas 288
Autor Thompson, Elizabeth Laing
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2020-09-08
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers

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