When the World Stops

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When the World Stops Brown, Michael L.
15,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781629998992
Páginas 208
Autor Brown, Michael L.
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2020-04-21
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Charisma House
When the World Stops is a timely yet timeless message for God’s people that provides practical tools for not only weathering this current crisis, but emerging from it with a strengthened faith and deeper appreciation for the things that matter most.  Like a reassuring hand on your shoulder, Dr. Michael L. Brown helps point the way forward for those seeking answers to questions like:
  • Is this pandemic the final plague talked about in the Book of Revelation?
  • Are we indeed in the final days before Jesus’ return?
  • Who or what sent the virus?
  • How do I balance my family’s needs with the faith to live for Christ in crisis?
  • Should we submit to the government’s guidelines?
  • How can I steward my health in a biblical way? 
Dr. Brown brings biblically sound and clear answers for staying healthy, living with wisdom, and maintaining your faith.  As we move forward with wisdom in the power of the Holy Spirit, we must understand that "the darkness is the divine setup for the light. The sickness is the divine setup for the healing. The current crisis is the divine setup for the church to arise and shine and make a difference. We must seize this moment before it passes. We must milk it to the full, for the glory of God. Does your heart bear witness to my words?"

This book will help you see how you can be the hands and feet of Jesus during this world's dark hour. It provides a God-calibrated compass for the turbulent uncharted waters we find ourselves in and sifts through the dizzying array of information regarding this current crisis, separating fact from fiction, prudence from pandemonium and faith from fear.


When the World Stops is a timely yet timeless message for God’s people that provides practical tools for not only weathering this current crisis, but emerging from it with a strengthened faith and deeper appreciation for the things that matter most.  Like a reassuring hand on your shoulder, Dr. Michael L. Brown helps point the way forward for those seeking answers to questions like:
  • Is this pandemic the final plague talked about in the Book of Revelation?
  • Are we indeed in the final days before Jesus’ return?
  • Who or what sent the virus?
  • How do I balance my family’s needs with the faith to live for Christ in crisis?
  • Should we submit to the government’s guidelines?
  • How can I steward my health in a biblical way? 
Dr. Brown brings biblically sound and clear answers for staying healthy, living with wisdom, and maintaining your faith.  As we move forward with wisdom in the power of the Holy Spirit, we must understand that "the darkness is the divine setup for the light. The sickness is the divine setup for the healing. The current crisis is the divine setup for the church to arise and shine and make a difference. We must seize this moment before it passes. We must milk it to the full, for the glory of God. Does your heart bear witness to my words?"

This book will help you see how you can be the hands and feet of Jesus during this world's dark hour. It provides a God-calibrated compass for the turbulent uncharted waters we find ourselves in and sifts through the dizzying array of information regarding this current crisis, separating fact from fiction, prudence from pandemonium and faith from fear.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781629998992
Páginas 208
Autor Brown, Michael L.
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2020-04-21
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Charisma House

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