You Are Worth the Work

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You Are Worth the Work Felix, Juni

* Campos Obligatorios

7,99 $
7,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781641582650
Páginas 208
Autor Felix, Juni
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2021-08-17
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial The Navigators
The First Book to Link the Science Behind Tiny Habits to Faith and Trauma Recovery
"The heartache that you woke up with this morning, that pain in your soul that makes even the task of receiving hope for today exhausting, that heartache is not who you are. The abuses, losses, and betrayals you’ve experienced do not have to continue to cast a dark shadow over your life. Your journey is not over, and you are never alone. Your situation is not your destiny, and sorrow isn’t your permanent address."

Juni Felix is a triumph-a survivor of profound trauma, a Behavior Design Teaching Team member of renowned Stanford University professor Dr. B. J. Fogg’s Behavior Design Lab, and a Tiny Habits Coach. She begins her book with these words to encourage every recovering person to design a path toward hope, peace, and joy. By combining the science of Behavior Design with faith, she equips you with a proven method that works: Tiny Habits, a fun and surprisingly simple system that reprograms your mind toward faith that offers freedom from the wounds of your past. In this accessible book, she offers a vision of living faith by practicing Tiny Habits that build on each other and reward us with tiny victories and celebrations along the way.

As one who has long used Tiny Habits and teaches about using them to transform lives and relationships, Juni teaches that because God is a Systems Guy, human behavior is not random and unpredictable; it’s systematic. Once you understand the system, you can design strategies that work to take back your life and stop the cycle of shame, blame, and self-condemnation for good.


The First Book to Link the Science Behind Tiny Habits to Faith and Trauma Recovery
"The heartache that you woke up with this morning, that pain in your soul that makes even the task of receiving hope for today exhausting, that heartache is not who you are. The abuses, losses, and betrayals you’ve experienced do not have to continue to cast a dark shadow over your life. Your journey is not over, and you are never alone. Your situation is not your destiny, and sorrow isn’t your permanent address."

Juni Felix is a triumph-a survivor of profound trauma, a Behavior Design Teaching Team member of renowned Stanford University professor Dr. B. J. Fogg’s Behavior Design Lab, and a Tiny Habits Coach. She begins her book with these words to encourage every recovering person to design a path toward hope, peace, and joy. By combining the science of Behavior Design with faith, she equips you with a proven method that works: Tiny Habits, a fun and surprisingly simple system that reprograms your mind toward faith that offers freedom from the wounds of your past. In this accessible book, she offers a vision of living faith by practicing Tiny Habits that build on each other and reward us with tiny victories and celebrations along the way.

As one who has long used Tiny Habits and teaches about using them to transform lives and relationships, Juni teaches that because God is a Systems Guy, human behavior is not random and unpredictable; it’s systematic. Once you understand the system, you can design strategies that work to take back your life and stop the cycle of shame, blame, and self-condemnation for good.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781641582650
Páginas 208
Autor Felix, Juni
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2021-08-17
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial The Navigators

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