When a Loved One Is Addicted

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When a Loved One Is Addicted Jantz Ph.D., Gregory L.

* Campos Obligatorios

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Información adicional

Código 9781496465320
Páginas 112
Autor Jantz Ph.D., Gregory L.
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2021-08-03
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Rose Publishing
Practical advice, trusted research, plus definitions, causes, and solutions to helping a loved one recover from addiction.
You can be free of the harmful effects of a loved one’s addiction! Dr. Gregory Jantz believes every person can find a unique pathway through powerlessness, fear, guilt, shame, and despair back into the light and fresh air of freedom because God is the Great Healer, for whom anything is possible.

Discover ways to:
  • Recognize the difference between compassion and codependence
  • Identify signs and symptoms of addictions, as well as types of addictions
  • Make your own health and wellbeing a priority
  • Stop enabling your loved one’s addiction
  • Set boundaries and stick to them
  • Hold a positive, productive intervention
  • Find the right kind of treatment program
  • Support your loved one in treatment and beyond
By grounding yourself in a clear understanding of what addiction is, how and why it takes hold in someone’s life, and how to protect yourself while maintaining your love for them, you’ll be far better equipped to offer appropriate help. This book will help you gain the awareness you need to move forward in truth and grace, to succeed at what you can do: love the addict unconditionally and be a positive presence in their life, guided by healthy boundaries that protect everyone.

Key Features:
  • Trustworthy: Filled with up-to-date research, this solid resource provides trusted facts and proven advice to help a loved one with addiction
  • Relevant: Whether your loved one is dealing with a substance, emotional, or behavior addiction, this resource includes advice broad enough to help with most addictions and specific enough to tackle root causes effectively
  • Easy to Read: Packed with summaries, checklists, and bullet lists, it’s never been easier to digest practical and informative research
  • Practical: Includes practical courses of action to take when helping a friend or family member along the recovery process
  • Easy to Carry: Compact, lightweight, and easily fits in your hand, purse, and bag


Practical advice, trusted research, plus definitions, causes, and solutions to helping a loved one recover from addiction.
You can be free of the harmful effects of a loved one’s addiction! Dr. Gregory Jantz believes every person can find a unique pathway through powerlessness, fear, guilt, shame, and despair back into the light and fresh air of freedom because God is the Great Healer, for whom anything is possible.

Discover ways to:
  • Recognize the difference between compassion and codependence
  • Identify signs and symptoms of addictions, as well as types of addictions
  • Make your own health and wellbeing a priority
  • Stop enabling your loved one’s addiction
  • Set boundaries and stick to them
  • Hold a positive, productive intervention
  • Find the right kind of treatment program
  • Support your loved one in treatment and beyond
By grounding yourself in a clear understanding of what addiction is, how and why it takes hold in someone’s life, and how to protect yourself while maintaining your love for them, you’ll be far better equipped to offer appropriate help. This book will help you gain the awareness you need to move forward in truth and grace, to succeed at what you can do: love the addict unconditionally and be a positive presence in their life, guided by healthy boundaries that protect everyone.

Key Features:
  • Trustworthy: Filled with up-to-date research, this solid resource provides trusted facts and proven advice to help a loved one with addiction
  • Relevant: Whether your loved one is dealing with a substance, emotional, or behavior addiction, this resource includes advice broad enough to help with most addictions and specific enough to tackle root causes effectively
  • Easy to Read: Packed with summaries, checklists, and bullet lists, it’s never been easier to digest practical and informative research
  • Practical: Includes practical courses of action to take when helping a friend or family member along the recovery process
  • Easy to Carry: Compact, lightweight, and easily fits in your hand, purse, and bag
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781496465320
Páginas 112
Autor Jantz Ph.D., Gregory L.
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2021-08-03
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Rose Publishing

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