War Story

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Información adicional

Código 9781496429957
Páginas 320
Autor Elliott, Steven
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2019-05-21
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers
Every soldier has a war story.
Steven Elliott’s opens with the death of American hero Pat Tillman by "friendly fire" in Afghanistan-when Army Ranger Elliott pulled the trigger, believing he and his fellow soldiers were firing on the enemy.

Tormented by remorse and PTSD in the aftermath of Tillman’s death, Elliott descended into the depths of guilt, alcoholism, and depression; lost his marriage and his faith; and struggled to stay alive. The war that began on foreign soil had followed him home.

A must-read for veterans and their loved ones, War Story is an explosive look at the chaos of war-and the battle for life in its aftermath. It confronts some of life’s biggest questions: Why do we choose to fight for a country or a cause? What happens when the cost of that fight overwhelms and destroys? Can we forgive and be forgiven? How do we find hope? At its core, War Story is a dramatic personal encounter with war and faith, love and tragedy, and ultimate renewal.

All of the author’s proceeds from the writing of this book will be donated to organizations serving the mental health needs of the active duty and veteran community.


Every soldier has a war story.
Steven Elliott’s opens with the death of American hero Pat Tillman by "friendly fire" in Afghanistan-when Army Ranger Elliott pulled the trigger, believing he and his fellow soldiers were firing on the enemy.

Tormented by remorse and PTSD in the aftermath of Tillman’s death, Elliott descended into the depths of guilt, alcoholism, and depression; lost his marriage and his faith; and struggled to stay alive. The war that began on foreign soil had followed him home.

A must-read for veterans and their loved ones, War Story is an explosive look at the chaos of war-and the battle for life in its aftermath. It confronts some of life’s biggest questions: Why do we choose to fight for a country or a cause? What happens when the cost of that fight overwhelms and destroys? Can we forgive and be forgiven? How do we find hope? At its core, War Story is a dramatic personal encounter with war and faith, love and tragedy, and ultimate renewal.

All of the author’s proceeds from the writing of this book will be donated to organizations serving the mental health needs of the active duty and veteran community.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781496429957
Páginas 320
Autor Elliott, Steven
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2019-05-21
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers

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