Uncommon Heroes: The Uncommon Heroes Collection: True Devotion / True Valor / True Honor

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Uncommon Heroes: The Uncommon Heroes Collection: True Devotion / True Valor / True Honor Henderson, Dee

* Campos Obligatorios

21,99 $
21,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781496423412
Páginas 448
Autor Henderson, Dee
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2016-10-24
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers
This collection bundles all three of popular author Dee Henderson’s military romantic suspense series Uncommon Heroes into one e-book for a great value!

#1 True Devotion

Kelly Jacobs has already paid the ultimate price of loving a warrior; she has the folded flag and the grateful thanks of a nation to prove it. Navy SEAL Joe "Bear" Baker can’t ask her to accept that risk again-even though he loves her. But the man responsible for her husband’s death is back; closer than either of them realize. Kelly is in danger, and Joe may not get there in time.

#2 True Valor
Heroes get a new meaning when you see inside their lives. Gracie is a Navy Pilot; Bruce works Air Force Pararescue. With dangerous jobs-often away from home-they write love letters. When Gracie is shot down behind enemy lines, Bruce has one mission: get her out alive.

#3 True Honor
CIA officer Darcy St. James is after a man who knew September 11 would happen-a man who chose to profit from the knowledge. Navy SEAL Sam "Cougar" Houston is busy: The intelligence Darcy is generating has his team deploying around the world. Under the pressure of war, their romance flourishes. But it may be a short relationship: for the terrorists have chosen their next targets, and Darcy’s name is high on the list.

Uncommon Heroes: Welcome to a world where friendships go deep, loyalties stand strong, and uncommon heroes perform the toughest jobs in the world. Dee Henderson’s military romance series provides a detailed passage into the world of the military and homeland heroes, and those they love.


This collection bundles all three of popular author Dee Henderson’s military romantic suspense series Uncommon Heroes into one e-book for a great value!

#1 True Devotion

Kelly Jacobs has already paid the ultimate price of loving a warrior; she has the folded flag and the grateful thanks of a nation to prove it. Navy SEAL Joe "Bear" Baker can’t ask her to accept that risk again-even though he loves her. But the man responsible for her husband’s death is back; closer than either of them realize. Kelly is in danger, and Joe may not get there in time.

#2 True Valor
Heroes get a new meaning when you see inside their lives. Gracie is a Navy Pilot; Bruce works Air Force Pararescue. With dangerous jobs-often away from home-they write love letters. When Gracie is shot down behind enemy lines, Bruce has one mission: get her out alive.

#3 True Honor
CIA officer Darcy St. James is after a man who knew September 11 would happen-a man who chose to profit from the knowledge. Navy SEAL Sam "Cougar" Houston is busy: The intelligence Darcy is generating has his team deploying around the world. Under the pressure of war, their romance flourishes. But it may be a short relationship: for the terrorists have chosen their next targets, and Darcy’s name is high on the list.

Uncommon Heroes: Welcome to a world where friendships go deep, loyalties stand strong, and uncommon heroes perform the toughest jobs in the world. Dee Henderson’s military romance series provides a detailed passage into the world of the military and homeland heroes, and those they love.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781496423412
Páginas 448
Autor Henderson, Dee
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2016-10-24
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers

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