Trusting God

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Trusting God Bridges, Jerry

* Campos Obligatorios

12,99 $
12,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781631467936
Páginas 368
Autor Bridges, Jerry
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2016-11-18
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial The Navigators
Over 500,000 copies sold

"Why is God allowing this? What have I done wrong?"

Many of us have asked these questions when life hits us hard. When our circumstances defy explanation, it is difficult to untangle our emotions from the truth. Before long, we feel confused and frustrated. We doubt His care for us. We wonder how He could allow these circumstances at all, or if He is really in control.

During a time of darkness and adversity in his own life, Jerry Bridges dug deep into the Bible for answers on God’s sovereignty. What he learned changed his life-and it will change yours too. Find the answers to some of your most heartfelt questions, such as:
  • Is God in control?
  • Can I trust God?
  • What is our responsibility when things are hard?
  • How can I grow through adversity?
  • And more
Explore the scope of God’s care and control over nations, nature, and the tiny details of your life. You’ll find yourself trusting Him more completely―even when life hurts. Now with an added study guide for personal use or group discussion so you can dive deeper into this staple of Jerry Bridges’s classic collection.

"The writings of Jerry Bridges are a gift to the church. He addresses a relevant topic with the wisdom of a scholar and the heart of a servant." -Max Lucado, pastor and bestselling author


Over 500,000 copies sold

"Why is God allowing this? What have I done wrong?"

Many of us have asked these questions when life hits us hard. When our circumstances defy explanation, it is difficult to untangle our emotions from the truth. Before long, we feel confused and frustrated. We doubt His care for us. We wonder how He could allow these circumstances at all, or if He is really in control.

During a time of darkness and adversity in his own life, Jerry Bridges dug deep into the Bible for answers on God’s sovereignty. What he learned changed his life-and it will change yours too. Find the answers to some of your most heartfelt questions, such as:
  • Is God in control?
  • Can I trust God?
  • What is our responsibility when things are hard?
  • How can I grow through adversity?
  • And more
Explore the scope of God’s care and control over nations, nature, and the tiny details of your life. You’ll find yourself trusting Him more completely―even when life hurts. Now with an added study guide for personal use or group discussion so you can dive deeper into this staple of Jerry Bridges’s classic collection.

"The writings of Jerry Bridges are a gift to the church. He addresses a relevant topic with the wisdom of a scholar and the heart of a servant." -Max Lucado, pastor and bestselling author
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781631467936
Páginas 368
Autor Bridges, Jerry
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2016-11-18
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial The Navigators

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