The Ten Commandments for Perfect Health

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The Ten Commandments for Perfect Health Sedlak, MS, DC, DCBCN, Paulette
17,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781629996844
Páginas 256
Autor Sedlak, MS, DC, DCBCN, Paulette
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2020-01-07
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Siloam
Your body is complicated, but achieving your maximum health potential doesn’t have to be. 

This book will help you take charge of your health and show you how you can reset your body into a healing mode regardless of your present health condition. It will show you how easily you can reach your peak health potential to experience a lifetime of wellness.

Everyone has a maximum health potential, but few people ever achieve it. Half of all Americans live unfulfilled lives due to the top five chronic diseases: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, and obesity. The answer to abolish the majority of needless suffering that millions of people endure due to these chronic diseases is a simple one. Paulette Sedlak has researched and found the top ten aspects (health commandments) that must be addressed to maximize one’s health potential to support the prevention of chronic illnesses. Each health commandment that is applied results in progressive good health. If one commandment is not applied, a domino effect of negative health consequences ensues. Conversely, by applying all ten commandments, one has the potential to thwart off chronic illnesses. These commandments are the fast track guide to reaching maximum health potential by using the body’s natural healing capacity, thereby enabling readers to fulfill their God-given purpose in life.

  • Each commandment has a diagram that visually maps how it affects the body as a whole. These diagrams make it easy to understand how all ten health commandments unite to create perfect health.
  • A quick summary guide at the end of each chapter guides readers to take the action steps needed for each commandment.
  • Each chapter has assignment questions to help readers overcome obstacles that may be preventing them from starting and following through with a health commandment.
  • Progress checklists are included to keep readers engaged. The accumulation of advancements are shown to encourage readers, therefore propelling them to continue making positive changes for their health.


Your body is complicated, but achieving your maximum health potential doesn’t have to be.

This book will help you take charge of your health and show you how you can reset your body into a healing mode regardless of your present health condition. It will show you how easily you can reach your peak health potential to experience a lifetime of wellness.

Everyone has a maximum health potential, but few people ever achieve it. Half of all Americans live unfulfilled lives due to the top five chronic diseases: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, and obesity. The answer to abolish the majority of needless suffering that millions of people endure due to these chronic diseases is a simple one. Paulette Sedlak has researched and found the top ten aspects (health commandments) that must be addressed to maximize one’s health potential to support the prevention of chronic illnesses. Each health commandment that is applied results in progressive good health. If one commandment is not applied, a domino effect of negative health consequences ensues. Conversely, by applying all ten commandments, one has the potential to thwart off chronic illnesses. These commandments are the fast track guide to reaching maximum health potential by using the body’s natural healing capacity, thereby enabling readers to fulfill their God-given purpose in life.

  • Each commandment has a diagram that visually maps how it affects the body as a whole. These diagrams make it easy to understand how all ten health commandments unite to create perfect health.
  • A quick summary guide at the end of each chapter guides readers to take the action steps needed for each commandment.
  • Each chapter has assignment questions to help readers overcome obstacles that may be preventing them from starting and following through with a health commandment.
  • Progress checklists are included to keep readers engaged. The accumulation of advancements are shown to encourage readers, therefore propelling them to continue making positive changes for their health.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781629996844
Páginas 256
Autor Sedlak, MS, DC, DCBCN, Paulette
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2020-01-07
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Siloam

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