The Supernatural You

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The Supernatural You Kunneman, Brenda

* Campos Obligatorios

14,99 $
14,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781599799537
Páginas 240
Autor Kunneman, Brenda
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2011-10-31
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Charisma House

Youve turned to others...youve turned to God...but have you tapped into the power within you?
Often we find ourselves looking for God to move on our behalf in the midst of crisis and problems. We dont understand why we arent getting the answers we need. In desperate moments we grasp for remedies, not realizing that God has already placed inside each of us a resource that will address our most challenging circumstances. It is a river coming out of our own spirit.

In The Supernatural You, Brenda Kunneman shows you how to tap into this river and...

  • Release the anointing within you
  • Learn to pray the kind of prayers that will produce miracles
  • Experience the supernatural power of God
  • Resist the enemys attempts to bring you down

Satan fears you when you live out of your spiritual river. He fears your boldness, he fears what you carry, and he knows that nothing can stand in the way of this raging water. Let this unstoppable power work in your life. It will remedy every need, and remove the hindrances standing in your way because you are... The Supernatural You!



Youve turned to others...youve turned to God...but have you tapped into the power within you?
Often we find ourselves looking for God to move on our behalf in the midst of crisis and problems. We dont understand why we arent getting the answers we need. In desperate moments we grasp for remedies, not realizing that God has already placed inside each of us a resource that will address our most challenging circumstances. It is a river coming out of our own spirit.

In The Supernatural You, Brenda Kunneman shows you how to tap into this river and...

  • Release the anointing within you
  • Learn to pray the kind of prayers that will produce miracles
  • Experience the supernatural power of God
  • Resist the enemys attempts to bring you down

Satan fears you when you live out of your spiritual river. He fears your boldness, he fears what you carry, and he knows that nothing can stand in the way of this raging water. Let this unstoppable power work in your life. It will remedy every need, and remove the hindrances standing in your way because you are... The Supernatural You!

Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781599799537
Páginas 240
Autor Kunneman, Brenda
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2011-10-31
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Charisma House

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