The Size of Everything

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The Size of Everything Clements, Alyssa

* Campos Obligatorios

11,99 $
11,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781496462565
Páginas 32
Autor Clements, Alyssa
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2023-09-26
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers
The Gospel Coalition’s 2023 Book of Distinction Award Winner!

This award-winning, faith and science picture book starts in the middle with the size your child knows best-their own body! Turn the pages to the left or right to discover big and small creations and science facts about God’s incredible world.

God created ginormous galaxies, itty-bitty quarks and everything in between-including humans. The Size of Everything captures the magnitude of God’s creation by setting everything on a size scale. Readers start in the middle with the size of an eight-year-old child and have the option to turn the pages to the left and explore cells, plants, and animals that are smaller than them. Or they can turn the pages to the right to discover creatures, landmarks, and planets larger than they can imagine! Best of all, children will see God’s power and creativity in all of creation.

What’s Inside?
  • A one-of-a-kind book that starts in the middle
  • Over 45 fantastic creations (atoms, cells, animals, plants, landmarks, planets, etc.)
  • Over 80 brilliantly colorful illustrations and highly detailed photos
  • Over 100 mind-blowing science facts, educational call outs, and funny tidbits
  • A giant size index along the bottom of each page for children to track their progress
It’s a perfect faith and science resource for reading at home or an educational resource for home schools, Christian schools, and Sunday school classrooms.


The Gospel Coalition’s 2023 Book of Distinction Award Winner!

This award-winning, faith and science picture book starts in the middle with the size your child knows best-their own body! Turn the pages to the left or right to discover big and small creations and science facts about God’s incredible world.

God created ginormous galaxies, itty-bitty quarks and everything in between-including humans. The Size of Everything captures the magnitude of God’s creation by setting everything on a size scale. Readers start in the middle with the size of an eight-year-old child and have the option to turn the pages to the left and explore cells, plants, and animals that are smaller than them. Or they can turn the pages to the right to discover creatures, landmarks, and planets larger than they can imagine! Best of all, children will see God’s power and creativity in all of creation.

What’s Inside?
  • A one-of-a-kind book that starts in the middle
  • Over 45 fantastic creations (atoms, cells, animals, plants, landmarks, planets, etc.)
  • Over 80 brilliantly colorful illustrations and highly detailed photos
  • Over 100 mind-blowing science facts, educational call outs, and funny tidbits
  • A giant size index along the bottom of each page for children to track their progress
It’s a perfect faith and science resource for reading at home or an educational resource for home schools, Christian schools, and Sunday school classrooms.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781496462565
Páginas 32
Autor Clements, Alyssa
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2023-09-26
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers

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