The Mystery of the Shemitah Updated Edition

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The Mystery of the Shemitah Updated Edition Cahn, Jonathan

* Campos Obligatorios

16,99 $
16,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781629994734
Páginas 288
Autor Cahn, Jonathan
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2018-01-09
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Frontline

New York Times Best Seller!
Over 2,700 5-Star Reviews
From the author that brought you NEW YORK TIMES best sellers The Book of Mysteries, The Harbinger, and The Paradigm with over 3 MILLION copies sold

"Rabbi Jonathan Cahn is a Jewish prophet who has been chosen to reveal end-time mysteries—vital material to put the last-days puzzle together!"
—Sid Roth | Host, It’s Supernatural!

"The Mystery of the Shemitah is a detailed, compelling, and provocative book for anyone seeking answers to the future of America and the world."
—Marcus D. Lamb | Founder, president, Daystar Television Network

"The Mystery of the Shemitah is the most amazing thing I have ever read! Brilliant and stunning . . . sobering . . . humbling . . . it is undeniable truth. It is one of the most important books of our lifetime!"
—Joseph Farah | Founder, WND

The Shemitah occurs every seven years.
Has God already given us clues as to WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT?

The Shemitah (shmee-TA), or Sabbath year, is the seventh year of the seven-year agricultural cycle mandated by the Torah for the land of Israel. Understanding this seven-year pattern is essential for understanding the prophecy and mysteries of the Bible that are still applicable today.
In The Mystery of the Shemitah Updated Edition you will discover new insight on current events such as:
  • How the Great Depression and other economic events fit into the Shemitah
  • How stock market crashes in 2015 were linked to the period of nullification at the end of the Shemitah
  • How the Shemitah of 2015 affected economies worldwide
  • How the pattern of sevens predicted 9/11 to the exact hour
  • How the World Trade Center was conceived, started, finished, and destroyed in Shemitah years
  • How the rise—and possibly the fall—of America can be linked to the year of the Shemitah

    And much more…


New York Times Best Seller!
Over 2,700 5-Star Reviews
From the author that brought you NEW YORK TIMES best sellers The Book of Mysteries, The Harbinger, and The Paradigm with over 3 MILLION copies sold

"Rabbi Jonathan Cahn is a Jewish prophet who has been chosen to reveal end-time mysteries—vital material to put the last-days puzzle together!"
—Sid Roth | Host, It’s Supernatural!

"The Mystery of the Shemitah is a detailed, compelling, and provocative book for anyone seeking answers to the future of America and the world."
—Marcus D. Lamb | Founder, president, Daystar Television Network

"The Mystery of the Shemitah is the most amazing thing I have ever read! Brilliant and stunning . . . sobering . . . humbling . . . it is undeniable truth. It is one of the most important books of our lifetime!"
—Joseph Farah | Founder, WND

The Shemitah occurs every seven years.
Has God already given us clues as to WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT?

The Shemitah (shmee-TA), or Sabbath year, is the seventh year of the seven-year agricultural cycle mandated by the Torah for the land of Israel. Understanding this seven-year pattern is essential for understanding the prophecy and mysteries of the Bible that are still applicable today.
In The Mystery of the Shemitah Updated Edition you will discover new insight on current events such as:
  • How the Great Depression and other economic events fit into the Shemitah
  • How stock market crashes in 2015 were linked to the period of nullification at the end of the Shemitah
  • How the Shemitah of 2015 affected economies worldwide
  • How the pattern of sevens predicted 9/11 to the exact hour
  • How the World Trade Center was conceived, started, finished, and destroyed in Shemitah years
  • How the rise—and possibly the fall—of America can be linked to the year of the Shemitah

    And much more…
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781629994734
Páginas 288
Autor Cahn, Jonathan
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2018-01-09
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Frontline

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