The Martyr's Oath

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The Martyr's Oath Moore, Johnnie

* Campos Obligatorios

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Información adicional

Código 9781496419477
Páginas 240
Autor Moore, Johnnie
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2017-10-10
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers
Be Inspired by Amazing Eyewitness Stories of Hope and Courage from the Persecuted Church
We are witnessing an astonishing escalation in Christian persecution like we have rarely seen since the first century. Some estimate that every five minutes, a Christian is martyred for his or her faith. Countries like Egypt have experienced more Christian persecution in the last five years than in the previous six hundred years combined. And who could have missed the atrocities of ISIS in Syria, Boko Haram in Nigeria, and the continued persecution of Christians in North Korea?

Johnnie Moore, like many American Christians, didn’t fully appreciate the extent of what was going on-until he witnessed the graduation of theology students in India. Unlike graduation ceremonies in America-where feel-good speeches made by visiting celebrities are common-this one featured a remarkable oath. It wasn’t an oath to excel or succeed. It was an oath to be willing to die, if necessary, for the cause of Christ. This was no empty promise. This was a choice, choosing the eternal over the temporal.

Johnnie knew he was witnessing a raw, first-century Christianity that his comfortable American version had shielded him from. "For the first time, I really understand my faith," says Johnnie Moore. Now, he’s on a mission to give this same experience to others. He and his team have crisscrossed the world, recorders in hand, gathering eyewitness accounts from dozens of people who survived persecution-and the stories of some who didn’t.

Join Johnnie Moore on this compelling journey to the heart of the Christian faith.


Be Inspired by Amazing Eyewitness Stories of Hope and Courage from the Persecuted Church
We are witnessing an astonishing escalation in Christian persecution like we have rarely seen since the first century. Some estimate that every five minutes, a Christian is martyred for his or her faith. Countries like Egypt have experienced more Christian persecution in the last five years than in the previous six hundred years combined. And who could have missed the atrocities of ISIS in Syria, Boko Haram in Nigeria, and the continued persecution of Christians in North Korea?

Johnnie Moore, like many American Christians, didn’t fully appreciate the extent of what was going on-until he witnessed the graduation of theology students in India. Unlike graduation ceremonies in America-where feel-good speeches made by visiting celebrities are common-this one featured a remarkable oath. It wasn’t an oath to excel or succeed. It was an oath to be willing to die, if necessary, for the cause of Christ. This was no empty promise. This was a choice, choosing the eternal over the temporal.

Johnnie knew he was witnessing a raw, first-century Christianity that his comfortable American version had shielded him from. "For the first time, I really understand my faith," says Johnnie Moore. Now, he’s on a mission to give this same experience to others. He and his team have crisscrossed the world, recorders in hand, gathering eyewitness accounts from dozens of people who survived persecution-and the stories of some who didn’t.

Join Johnnie Moore on this compelling journey to the heart of the Christian faith.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781496419477
Páginas 240
Autor Moore, Johnnie
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2017-10-10
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers

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