The Leslie Connors Collection: Directed Verdict / Self Incrimination

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The Leslie Connors Collection: Directed Verdict / Self Incrimination Singer, Randy

* Campos Obligatorios

9,99 $
9,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781496420664
Páginas 128
Autor Singer, Randy
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2016-10-08
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers
This collection bundles two of acclaimed author Randy Singer’s legal thrillers into one e-book for a great value!

Directed Verdict

In Saudi Arabia, two American missionaries are targeted by the infamous religious police-Muttawa. The man is tortured and killed; his wife arrested on trumped-up charges before being deported to the United States. Compelled by the injustice of her plight, young attorney Brad Carlson files an unprecedented civil rights suit against Saudi Arabia and the ruthless head of the Muttawa. But the suit unleashes powerful forces that will stop at nothing to vindicate the Arabian kingdom. Witnesses are intimidated and some disappear; jurors are bribed; and a member of Brad’s own team may be attempting to sabotage the case. As Brad navigates a maze of treachery and deception, he must gamble his case, his career, and the lives of those he loves on his ability to bring justice to one family, challenge the religious intolerance of a nation, and alter the course of international law. Directed Verdict is a Christy Award–winning novel.

Self Incrimination
Tara Bannister’s abusive stepfather finally pushed her too far. To save herself she had to kill him. Or did she? Tara’s confession doesn’t add up, and as her self-defense claim crumbles, attorney Leslie Connors must overcome more than first-trial jitters to mount a credible defense. Leslie must save Tara’s life-against her client’s will. In the midst of this taxing case, Leslie’s wedding plans to law partner Brad Carson are interrupted by a devastating diagnosis. Does she dare tell Brad? Before the final gavel falls, Leslie must confront the truth about herself and her mysterious client, or the darkness of the past will swallow them both.


This collection bundles two of acclaimed author Randy Singer’s legal thrillers into one e-book for a great value!

Directed Verdict

In Saudi Arabia, two American missionaries are targeted by the infamous religious police-Muttawa. The man is tortured and killed; his wife arrested on trumped-up charges before being deported to the United States. Compelled by the injustice of her plight, young attorney Brad Carlson files an unprecedented civil rights suit against Saudi Arabia and the ruthless head of the Muttawa. But the suit unleashes powerful forces that will stop at nothing to vindicate the Arabian kingdom. Witnesses are intimidated and some disappear; jurors are bribed; and a member of Brad’s own team may be attempting to sabotage the case. As Brad navigates a maze of treachery and deception, he must gamble his case, his career, and the lives of those he loves on his ability to bring justice to one family, challenge the religious intolerance of a nation, and alter the course of international law. Directed Verdict is a Christy Award–winning novel.

Self Incrimination
Tara Bannister’s abusive stepfather finally pushed her too far. To save herself she had to kill him. Or did she? Tara’s confession doesn’t add up, and as her self-defense claim crumbles, attorney Leslie Connors must overcome more than first-trial jitters to mount a credible defense. Leslie must save Tara’s life-against her client’s will. In the midst of this taxing case, Leslie’s wedding plans to law partner Brad Carson are interrupted by a devastating diagnosis. Does she dare tell Brad? Before the final gavel falls, Leslie must confront the truth about herself and her mysterious client, or the darkness of the past will swallow them both.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781496420664
Páginas 128
Autor Singer, Randy
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2016-10-08
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers

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