The Last Sin Eater

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The Last Sin Eater Rivers, Francine

* Campos Obligatorios

11,99 $
11,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781414358895
Páginas 368
Autor Rivers, Francine
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2013-05-31
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers
The New York Times bestselling author of Redeeming Love and A Voice in the Wind pens a captivating tale of suffering, seeking, and redemption set in Appalachia in the 1850s.

In the misty peaks and valleys of Appalachia roams the sin eater-a myth as much as a man, burdened with absolving the sins of villagers passing from this life to the next. But when a young girl uncovers the dark secret behind the tradition, she vows to show her village the truth.

All that matters for young Cadi Forbes is finding the one man who can set her free from the sin that plagues her, the sin that has stolen her mother’s love from her and made Cadi wish she could flee life and its terrible injustice. But Cadi doesn’t know that the sin eater is seeking as well. Before their journeys are over, Cadi and the sin eater must face themselves, each other, and the One who will demand everything from them in exchange for the answers they seek.

"This unforgettable novel is rich in style, lore, and action, revealing a profound truth in a way only Francine Rivers can do. Transcending age, gender, and reading genres, this gripping story is a must-read for men, women, and young people alike."
-Romantic Times

"Rivers delivers both a powerful message about Christian beliefs and the need for forgiveness of sins and an evocative portrayal of life in the 1850s. Highly recommended."
-Library Journal

Also available in The Francine Rivers Historical Collection (e-book only).


The New York Times bestselling author of Redeeming Love and A Voice in the Wind pens a captivating tale of suffering, seeking, and redemption set in Appalachia in the 1850s.

In the misty peaks and valleys of Appalachia roams the sin eater-a myth as much as a man, burdened with absolving the sins of villagers passing from this life to the next. But when a young girl uncovers the dark secret behind the tradition, she vows to show her village the truth.

All that matters for young Cadi Forbes is finding the one man who can set her free from the sin that plagues her, the sin that has stolen her mother’s love from her and made Cadi wish she could flee life and its terrible injustice. But Cadi doesn’t know that the sin eater is seeking as well. Before their journeys are over, Cadi and the sin eater must face themselves, each other, and the One who will demand everything from them in exchange for the answers they seek.

"This unforgettable novel is rich in style, lore, and action, revealing a profound truth in a way only Francine Rivers can do. Transcending age, gender, and reading genres, this gripping story is a must-read for men, women, and young people alike."
-Romantic Times

"Rivers delivers both a powerful message about Christian beliefs and the need for forgiveness of sins and an evocative portrayal of life in the 1850s. Highly recommended."
-Library Journal

Also available in The Francine Rivers Historical Collection (e-book only).
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781414358895
Páginas 368
Autor Rivers, Francine
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2013-05-31
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers

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