The Doubters' Club

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The Doubters' Club Ulmer, Preston

* Campos Obligatorios

12,99 $
12,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781641583367
Páginas 176
Autor Ulmer, Preston
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2021-09-07
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial The Navigators
The closer we get to the heart of God, the closer we should grow toward the doubter, the skeptic, the differing perspective, even the atheist.

And that should make us wonder: Is it possible to grow in our Christian faith without engaging the doubter or the skeptic? And if growing in our faith means growing closer to the doubter, how do we do that without compromising what we believe to be true?

The Doubters’ Club is a guide for people who want to live in friendship with those who think differently than them. In The Doubters’ Club, you’ll learn how to: (1) rebuild the impression the other person has of us as Christians; (2) renovate the intention we have with the nonbeliever; (3) rely on an invitation into real life (not a church service); (4) reexamine our views through initiating conversations that matter; and (5) redefine progress as imitation, not just immersion. You’ll get practical steps and tools to help you navigate relationships and conversations-but not foolproof methods (because there aren’t any).

Maybe you’re ready to take a chance because it’s your mom or dad who is the skeptic, a sibling, an old friend, a coworker, or a neighbor. Maybe you’re just ready to embrace the adventure of your faith. If you are open to the mystery of doubt, The Doubters’ Club invites you to bring your uncertainties as common ground for relationship with skeptics and see what God does.


The closer we get to the heart of God, the closer we should grow toward the doubter, the skeptic, the differing perspective, even the atheist.

And that should make us wonder: Is it possible to grow in our Christian faith without engaging the doubter or the skeptic? And if growing in our faith means growing closer to the doubter, how do we do that without compromising what we believe to be true?

The Doubters’ Club is a guide for people who want to live in friendship with those who think differently than them. In The Doubters’ Club, you’ll learn how to: (1) rebuild the impression the other person has of us as Christians; (2) renovate the intention we have with the nonbeliever; (3) rely on an invitation into real life (not a church service); (4) reexamine our views through initiating conversations that matter; and (5) redefine progress as imitation, not just immersion. You’ll get practical steps and tools to help you navigate relationships and conversations-but not foolproof methods (because there aren’t any).

Maybe you’re ready to take a chance because it’s your mom or dad who is the skeptic, a sibling, an old friend, a coworker, or a neighbor. Maybe you’re just ready to embrace the adventure of your faith. If you are open to the mystery of doubt, The Doubters’ Club invites you to bring your uncertainties as common ground for relationship with skeptics and see what God does.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781641583367
Páginas 176
Autor Ulmer, Preston
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2021-09-07
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial The Navigators

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