The Charles Colson Collection: The Good Life / How Now Shall We Live?

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The Charles Colson Collection: The Good Life / How Now Shall We Live? Colson, Charles

* Campos Obligatorios

14,99 $
14,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781496425065
Páginas 400
Autor Colson, Charles
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2017-01-10
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers
This collection bundles two of popular author Chuck Colson’s classics into one volume for a great value!

The Good Life

What constitutes "the good life?" Chuck Colson explores the ways in which people define and live "the pursuit of happiness." Colson uses fascinating real-life stories to illustrate the philosophies and worldviews by which individuals seek the good life. Colson speaks directly and revealingly about his Watergate years, and he examines the beliefs and assumptions that make up the fabric of our lives. The Good Life searches for answers to the questions we all ask: Who am I? Why am I here? How can I make my life count?

How Now Shall We Live?
True Christianity goes far beyond John 3:16-beyond private faith and personal salvation. It is nothing less than a framework for understanding all of reality. It is a worldview. In How Now Shall We Live?, the 2000 Gold Medallion winner for best book about Christianity and society, Chuck Colson and Nancy Pearcey show that the great spiritual battle today is a cosmic struggle between competing worldviews. Through inspiring true stories and compelling teaching, they demonstrate how to
  • Expose the false views and values of modern culture
  • Live a more fulfilling life the way God created us to live
  • Contend for the faith by understanding how nonbelievers think
  • Build a society that reflects biblical principles
In short, How Now Shall We Live? will give you the confidence you need to make a difference in the world today and most of all in the lives of people around you.


This collection bundles two of popular author Chuck Colson’s classics into one volume for a great value!

The Good Life

What constitutes "the good life?" Chuck Colson explores the ways in which people define and live "the pursuit of happiness." Colson uses fascinating real-life stories to illustrate the philosophies and worldviews by which individuals seek the good life. Colson speaks directly and revealingly about his Watergate years, and he examines the beliefs and assumptions that make up the fabric of our lives. The Good Life searches for answers to the questions we all ask: Who am I? Why am I here? How can I make my life count?

How Now Shall We Live?
True Christianity goes far beyond John 3:16-beyond private faith and personal salvation. It is nothing less than a framework for understanding all of reality. It is a worldview. In How Now Shall We Live?, the 2000 Gold Medallion winner for best book about Christianity and society, Chuck Colson and Nancy Pearcey show that the great spiritual battle today is a cosmic struggle between competing worldviews. Through inspiring true stories and compelling teaching, they demonstrate how to
  • Expose the false views and values of modern culture
  • Live a more fulfilling life the way God created us to live
  • Contend for the faith by understanding how nonbelievers think
  • Build a society that reflects biblical principles
In short, How Now Shall We Live? will give you the confidence you need to make a difference in the world today and most of all in the lives of people around you.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781496425065
Páginas 400
Autor Colson, Charles
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2017-01-10
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers

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