The Bible Cure

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The Bible Cure Cherry, Reginald B

* Campos Obligatorios

16,99 $
16,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781629981963
Páginas 176
Autor Cherry, Reginald B
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2014-06-09
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Siloam

The Bible Cure has the answers to these and other questions.

oWhat does the Bible say about carbohydrates and fat? oIs there a way to avoid infectious diseases? oWhat Bible foods can help lengthen your life? oWhat are Gods nutritional laws? oWhich herbs and vitamins should you take? oHow should you pray for your healing?

Within the ancient texts of the Bible are passages that provide hidden health clues to help rid people of almost every major disease. These findings have been validated by both scientific and medical research-a truth that amazes scientists and physicians alike.

In his private practice, renowned physician Reginald Cherry, M.D., has seen The Bible Cure miraculously heal people with allergies, high blood pressure, diabetes, fatigue, genetic defects, arthritis, even heart disease and cancer. In this ground-breaking book, he deciphers passages from ancient Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew Bibles, explaining how these sacred texts anticipate many of the same findings of todays cutting-edge medical research. Filled with powerful testimonies and sage advice, The Bible Cure will empower you with the Bibles wisdom about nutrition and health while building your faith in a God who heals.





The Bible Cure has the answers to these and other questions.

oWhat does the Bible say about carbohydrates and fat? oIs there a way to avoid infectious diseases? oWhat Bible foods can help lengthen your life? oWhat are Gods nutritional laws? oWhich herbs and vitamins should you take? oHow should you pray for your healing?

Within the ancient texts of the Bible are passages that provide hidden health clues to help rid people of almost every major disease. These findings have been validated by both scientific and medical research-a truth that amazes scientists and physicians alike.

In his private practice, renowned physician Reginald Cherry, M.D., has seen The Bible Cure miraculously heal people with allergies, high blood pressure, diabetes, fatigue, genetic defects, arthritis, even heart disease and cancer. In this ground-breaking book, he deciphers passages from ancient Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew Bibles, explaining how these sacred texts anticipate many of the same findings of todays cutting-edge medical research. Filled with powerful testimonies and sage advice, The Bible Cure will empower you with the Bibles wisdom about nutrition and health while building your faith in a God who heals.



Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781629981963
Páginas 176
Autor Cherry, Reginald B
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2014-06-09
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Siloam

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