Take Back The Night

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Take Back The Night Macalpine, Candi

* Campos Obligatorios

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Información adicional

Código 9781616388904
Páginas 64
Autor Macalpine, Candi
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2012-01-26
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Creation House
“We have given over the nighttime to the enemy,” states Candi MacAlpine, author and intercessory prayer leader. “But I believe there are some roots we need to eradicate, and they are hidden in the night,” she adds, as she equips Christians to take an aggressive stance in spiritual warfare in her release, Take Back the Night.In Take Back the Night, MacAlpine gives readers insight into the mechanics of spiritual warfare and a blueprint for successful intercessory prayer-particularly in the midnight hour as she asserts when warfare is the most intense.She writes, “God created the night according to Genesis 1…for far to long we [Christians] have relegated the night to the demonic realm and in all reality, a level of fear has kept the church of Jesus Christ from taking back this territory.”Accompanied with scriptural passages and numerous testimonies, Take Back the Night includes a list of names of Jesus in Scripture.Also covered in Take Back the Night is the following:Can a nonbeliever experience spiritually significant dreams?Dream interpretationPrayer warfare strategiesTake Back the Night is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in dreams, visions, and intercessory prayer and will help readers understand the significance to their Christian walk.



“We have given over the nighttime to the enemy,” states Candi MacAlpine, author and intercessory prayer leader. “But I believe there are some roots we need to eradicate, and they are hidden in the night,” she adds, as she equips Christians to take an aggressive stance in spiritual warfare in her release, Take Back the Night.In Take Back the Night, MacAlpine gives readers insight into the mechanics of spiritual warfare and a blueprint for successful intercessory prayer-particularly in the midnight hour as she asserts when warfare is the most intense.She writes, “God created the night according to Genesis 1…for far to long we [Christians] have relegated the night to the demonic realm and in all reality, a level of fear has kept the church of Jesus Christ from taking back this territory.”Accompanied with scriptural passages and numerous testimonies, Take Back the Night includes a list of names of Jesus in Scripture.Also covered in Take Back the Night is the following:Can a nonbeliever experience spiritually significant dreams?Dream interpretationPrayer warfare strategiesTake Back the Night is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in dreams, visions, and intercessory prayer and will help readers understand the significance to their Christian walk.

Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781616388904
Páginas 64
Autor Macalpine, Candi
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2012-01-26
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Creation House

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