Sex, Men and God

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Sex, Men and God Weiss, Douglas
13,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781599797205
Páginas 240
Autor Weiss, Douglas
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2002-05-07
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Siloam
God wants you to enjoy the best sex ever! Finally, an encouraging message for men who want to be sexually successful! What is sexual success? Its having a three-dimensional (body, mind and spirit) connection to your spouse alone that grows increasingly more fulfilling throughout your lifetime together. God is not against sexual pleasure in your marriage! In fact, He created it! So what is keeping you from experiencing the best of His creation?  Discover the answer to that question--and more--in Sex, Men and God. Dr. Douglas Weiss has clearly and creatively outlined practical, doable suggestions and principles that will help you enjoy your sexuality as God intended.

Dr. Weiss shares lifelong tools that will help you:
oUnderstand the way God made your brain for the best sex ever oImmediately start using important keys to total fulfillment in your sex life oDiscover why Gods design for sex with one woman in marriage can totally fulfill you oFind out how to get and stay free from any sexual "baggage" you may have oLearn how to shepherd your son sexually before the world grabs his attention oCommunicate the most important words that a woman wants to hear during sex Youll find honest, liberating and candid discussions about male sexuality, sometimes humorous--but definitely without preaching! You can apply these proven godly principles and enjoy more fulfilling sex with your wife for a lifetime.



God wants you to enjoy the best sex ever! Finally, an encouraging message for men who want to be sexually successful! What is sexual success? Its having a three-dimensional (body, mind and spirit) connection to your spouse alone that grows increasingly more fulfilling throughout your lifetime together. God is not against sexual pleasure in your marriage! In fact, He created it! So what is keeping you from experiencing the best of His creation?  Discover the answer to that question--and more--in Sex, Men and God. Dr. Douglas Weiss has clearly and creatively outlined practical, doable suggestions and principles that will help you enjoy your sexuality as God intended.

Dr. Weiss shares lifelong tools that will help you:
oUnderstand the way God made your brain for the best sex ever oImmediately start using important keys to total fulfillment in your sex life oDiscover why Gods design for sex with one woman in marriage can totally fulfill you oFind out how to get and stay free from any sexual "baggage" you may have oLearn how to shepherd your son sexually before the world grabs his attention oCommunicate the most important words that a woman wants to hear during sex Youll find honest, liberating and candid discussions about male sexuality, sometimes humorous--but definitely without preaching! You can apply these proven godly principles and enjoy more fulfilling sex with your wife for a lifetime.

Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781599797205
Páginas 240
Autor Weiss, Douglas
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2002-05-07
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Siloam

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