Rose Guide to the Epistles

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Rose Guide to the Epistles Rose Publishing

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Información adicional

Código 9781496480675
Páginas 152
Autor Rose Publishing
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2022-11-08
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Rose Publishing
With pictures, charts, maps, time lines, and a clear and outlined format, this introduction to the Epistles helps you explore the key people, places, and stories of the New Testament. Packed with helpful resources, Rose Guide to the Epistles includes:
  • Concise overviews for each epistle: who, what, where, when, and why
  • Who’s who in the epistles: an A-to-Z guide
  • Historical background about the cities of the epistles
  • Theology of the epistles: salvation church, the Spirit, end times, and more
  • Four views of the book of Revelation
  • And more!
There are hundreds of key people, events, and places within the Epistles, so how can you cover all of them in their New Testament contexts? The Rose Guide to the Epistles provides visual aids, charts, maps, and timelines to help you not only understand but see key concepts at a glance! From Romans to Revelation, you’ll find the key facts and teachings of each epistle. Learn about the early church letters in their historical contest:
  • Who wrote them?
  • Why were they written?
  • Why did they become part of the Bible?
Plus, a closer look at the seven churches of Revelation and different Christian ways to interpret the book of Revelation. See how the stories in the epistles speak to our modern-day church, missionary work, and the spiritual lives of Christians today.

Paperback, 152 pages, 6 x 9 inches, ISBN 9781649380227.

4 Key Features of the Rose Guide to the Epistles
  1. Quick-Reference: Find what you need fast using clear headers, charts, and simple summaries to answer the questions you have at the flip of a page!
  2. Illustrated: Packed with dozens of graphics, photos, and illustrations, dont just imagine what life was like in the New Testament church-SEE key ancient artifacts, locations, and more!
  3. Simple Overview: Covers everything you need to know about the Early Church: over 150 key events and people, and historical background on Jewish and Greco-Roman life.
  4. Solid and Reliable: Enjoy having well-researched knowledge in one compact handbook! Youll have all the solid and scriptural overviews and information you need at your fingertips.
Perfect for:
  • Individual study
  • Small groups
  • Young adult and youth groups
  • Church libraries
  • Homeschool
  • And more!
About the Series:

Rose Guides are easy-to-read reference handbooks that explore the people, places, and stories of the Bible. With the colorful maps, charts, and time lines that Rose Publishing is known for, Rose Guides provide readers with key historical and practical insights for understanding the books of the Bible and biblical topics that are important for our lives today.


With pictures, charts, maps, time lines, and a clear and outlined format, this introduction to the Epistles helps you explore the key people, places, and stories of the New Testament. Packed with helpful resources, Rose Guide to the Epistles includes:
  • Concise overviews for each epistle: who, what, where, when, and why
  • Who’s who in the epistles: an A-to-Z guide
  • Historical background about the cities of the epistles
  • Theology of the epistles: salvation church, the Spirit, end times, and more
  • Four views of the book of Revelation
  • And more!
There are hundreds of key people, events, and places within the Epistles, so how can you cover all of them in their New Testament contexts? The Rose Guide to the Epistles provides visual aids, charts, maps, and timelines to help you not only understand but see key concepts at a glance! From Romans to Revelation, you’ll find the key facts and teachings of each epistle. Learn about the early church letters in their historical contest:
  • Who wrote them?
  • Why were they written?
  • Why did they become part of the Bible?
Plus, a closer look at the seven churches of Revelation and different Christian ways to interpret the book of Revelation. See how the stories in the epistles speak to our modern-day church, missionary work, and the spiritual lives of Christians today.

Paperback, 152 pages, 6 x 9 inches, ISBN 9781649380227.

4 Key Features of the Rose Guide to the Epistles
  1. Quick-Reference: Find what you need fast using clear headers, charts, and simple summaries to answer the questions you have at the flip of a page!
  2. Illustrated: Packed with dozens of graphics, photos, and illustrations, dont just imagine what life was like in the New Testament church-SEE key ancient artifacts, locations, and more!
  3. Simple Overview: Covers everything you need to know about the Early Church: over 150 key events and people, and historical background on Jewish and Greco-Roman life.
  4. Solid and Reliable: Enjoy having well-researched knowledge in one compact handbook! Youll have all the solid and scriptural overviews and information you need at your fingertips.
Perfect for:
  • Individual study
  • Small groups
  • Young adult and youth groups
  • Church libraries
  • Homeschool
  • And more!
About the Series:

Rose Guides are easy-to-read reference handbooks that explore the people, places, and stories of the Bible. With the colorful maps, charts, and time lines that Rose Publishing is known for, Rose Guides provide readers with key historical and practical insights for understanding the books of the Bible and biblical topics that are important for our lives today.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781496480675
Páginas 152
Autor Rose Publishing
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2022-11-08
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Rose Publishing

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