Rose Guide to Genesis

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Rose Guide to Genesis Rose Publishing

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Información adicional

Código 9781496478023
Páginas 112
Autor Rose Publishing
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2023-08-22
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Rose Publishing
With pictures, charts, maps, and timelines, easily get overviews and practical insights of God’s plan of redemption in the book of Genesis! The Rose Guide to Genesis is your quick-reference guide for exploring the fascinating people, places, and stories in the first book of the Bible. Enjoy having:
  • Overview & timeline of the book of Genesis
  • Geography, customs, and daily life in the ancient world
  • A to Z guide of who’s who in Genesis & family trees
  • Key themes of covenant, creation, and blessing
  • And much more!
Spanning 50 chapters and hundreds of events and people, Genesis is one of the largest and most fascinating books of the Bible. It feels impossible to fully grasp all of Genesis in a short time, but what if you could quickly and easily get a solid understanding of the whole book? Imagine having:
  • A full timeline of Genesis’ 50 books in over 100 key events
  • A clear outline of Genesis unpacked and organized into an origin structure
  • Dozens of easy-to-read summaries of the most important people and events
  • And more
Rose Guide to Genesis will help you dig deeper into the most important people, places, and stories in the first book of the Bible as you delve into the world of the ancient Near East. In Rose Guide to Genesis you will:
  • Learn about the people and lands of ancient world from Mesopotamia to Egypt with fascinating facts
  • Discover insights into family structure, customs, and religious practices of ancient peoples to give context to your Bible study
  • Uncover the many ways Christ is foreshadowed in the Book of Genesis
  • And so much more!
4 Key Features of the Rose Guide to Genesis
  1. Quick-Reference: Find what you need fast using clear headers, charts, and simple summaries to answer the questions you have at the flip of a page!
  2. Illustrated: Packed with dozens of graphics, photos, and illustrations, dont just imagine what life was like in the time of Noah, Abraham, Sarah, and Jacob-SEE illustrations, maps, locations, and more!
  3. Simple Overview: Covers everything you need to know about the Book of Genesis: hundredsof key events and peoplehistorical backgrounds
  4. Solid and Reliable: Enjoy having well-researched knowledge in one compact handbook! Youll have all the solidscriptural overviews and information you need at your fingertips.
Perfect for:
  • Individual study
  • Small groups
  • Young adult and youth groups
  • Church libraries
  • Homeschool
  • And more!
About the Series

Rose Guides are easy-to-read reference handbooks that explore the people, places, and stories of the Bible. With the colorful maps, charts, and timelines that Rose Publishing is known for, Rose Guides provide readers with key historical and practical insights for understanding the books of the Bible and biblical topics that are important for our lives today.


With pictures, charts, maps, and timelines, easily get overviews and practical insights of God’s plan of redemption in the book of Genesis! The Rose Guide to Genesis is your quick-reference guide for exploring the fascinating people, places, and stories in the first book of the Bible. Enjoy having:
  • Overview & timeline of the book of Genesis
  • Geography, customs, and daily life in the ancient world
  • A to Z guide of who’s who in Genesis & family trees
  • Key themes of covenant, creation, and blessing
  • And much more!
Spanning 50 chapters and hundreds of events and people, Genesis is one of the largest and most fascinating books of the Bible. It feels impossible to fully grasp all of Genesis in a short time, but what if you could quickly and easily get a solid understanding of the whole book? Imagine having:
  • A full timeline of Genesis’ 50 books in over 100 key events
  • A clear outline of Genesis unpacked and organized into an origin structure
  • Dozens of easy-to-read summaries of the most important people and events
  • And more
Rose Guide to Genesis will help you dig deeper into the most important people, places, and stories in the first book of the Bible as you delve into the world of the ancient Near East. In Rose Guide to Genesis you will:
  • Learn about the people and lands of ancient world from Mesopotamia to Egypt with fascinating facts
  • Discover insights into family structure, customs, and religious practices of ancient peoples to give context to your Bible study
  • Uncover the many ways Christ is foreshadowed in the Book of Genesis
  • And so much more!
4 Key Features of the Rose Guide to Genesis
  1. Quick-Reference: Find what you need fast using clear headers, charts, and simple summaries to answer the questions you have at the flip of a page!
  2. Illustrated: Packed with dozens of graphics, photos, and illustrations, dont just imagine what life was like in the time of Noah, Abraham, Sarah, and Jacob-SEE illustrations, maps, locations, and more!
  3. Simple Overview: Covers everything you need to know about the Book of Genesis: hundredsof key events and peoplehistorical backgrounds
  4. Solid and Reliable: Enjoy having well-researched knowledge in one compact handbook! Youll have all the solidscriptural overviews and information you need at your fingertips.
Perfect for:
  • Individual study
  • Small groups
  • Young adult and youth groups
  • Church libraries
  • Homeschool
  • And more!
About the Series

Rose Guides are easy-to-read reference handbooks that explore the people, places, and stories of the Bible. With the colorful maps, charts, and timelines that Rose Publishing is known for, Rose Guides provide readers with key historical and practical insights for understanding the books of the Bible and biblical topics that are important for our lives today.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781496478023
Páginas 112
Autor Rose Publishing
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2023-08-22
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Rose Publishing

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