Riverbend Friends: Chasing the Spotlight

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Riverbend Friends: Chasing the Spotlight Sumpolec, Sarah Anne

* Campos Obligatorios

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Información adicional

Código 9781684282296
Páginas 240
Autor Sumpolec, Sarah Anne
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2021-04-18
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Focus on the Family
Chasing the Spotlight is the fourth book in a series that travels alongside four friends as they deal with teen life in Riverbend, Indiana. The novel inspires girls and young women to deepen their relationships with God and solve their problems in God-honoring ways.

Amelia’s feeling a bit lost these days. Her parents are very involved (make that over-involved) volunteering as marriage counselors with their church. Her big brother Josh, the only one who truly understands her, just got married. And her big sister, Maggie? Let’s just say they don’t exactly get along. Maggie is perfectly pretty, perfectly smart, and dates the perfect guy.

On the other hand, everything about Amelia feels big-her hair, her weight . . . and her personality. Amelia’s refuge, her passion, her place of belonging is theater. Someday she’s going to be on Broadway, but this year, she’ll settle for the lead in the spring musical. And she’ll do whatever it takes to make it happen. She’s committed, she’s motivated, she’s talented-and she’s completely confident about her abilities. Really, she is!

But somehow, despite her best efforts, reality is playing out a little differently than how she dreamed. Will chasing the spotlight lead to the fame and fulfillment she’s longed for, or will it cost her the friends she’s made this year?

Riverbend Friends: A girl’s best hope for surviving high school is her friends. Join Tessa, Shay, Izzy, and Amelia as they laugh together, lean on each other, and discover that God is a Friend who’s always got their back.


Chasing the Spotlight is the fourth book in a series that travels alongside four friends as they deal with teen life in Riverbend, Indiana. The novel inspires girls and young women to deepen their relationships with God and solve their problems in God-honoring ways.

Amelia’s feeling a bit lost these days. Her parents are very involved (make that over-involved) volunteering as marriage counselors with their church. Her big brother Josh, the only one who truly understands her, just got married. And her big sister, Maggie? Let’s just say they don’t exactly get along. Maggie is perfectly pretty, perfectly smart, and dates the perfect guy.

On the other hand, everything about Amelia feels big-her hair, her weight . . . and her personality. Amelia’s refuge, her passion, her place of belonging is theater. Someday she’s going to be on Broadway, but this year, she’ll settle for the lead in the spring musical. And she’ll do whatever it takes to make it happen. She’s committed, she’s motivated, she’s talented-and she’s completely confident about her abilities. Really, she is!

But somehow, despite her best efforts, reality is playing out a little differently than how she dreamed. Will chasing the spotlight lead to the fame and fulfillment she’s longed for, or will it cost her the friends she’s made this year?

Riverbend Friends: A girl’s best hope for surviving high school is her friends. Join Tessa, Shay, Izzy, and Amelia as they laugh together, lean on each other, and discover that God is a Friend who’s always got their back.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781684282296
Páginas 240
Autor Sumpolec, Sarah Anne
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2021-04-18
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Focus on the Family

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