
Como leer nuestros ebooks


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1. En la tienda, descargue el libro desde "Mi cuenta > Mis productos descargables" o desde el link que recibirá por correo. Al hacer clic, se descargará un fichero con la extensión .epub

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1. Para leer su ebook es necesario tener instalado cualquier programa que lea archivos epub. Recomendamos Adobe Digital Editions, que puede descargar gratuitamente aquí.

2. En la tienda, descargue el libro desde "Mi cuenta > Mis productos descargables" o desde el link que recibirá por correo. Al hacer clic, se descargará un fichero con la extensión .epub

4. Abra el fichero con Adobe Digital Editions. Si ha creado una cuenta, quedará asociado a su cuenta. Posteriormente podrá leer el ebook en otros dispositivos, siempre asociado a su cuenta.


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1. Importante: solo son compatibles los modelos de la serie Fire

2. Descárguese algún programa compatible con su dispositivo, como el programa gratuito Bluefire Reader

3. En la tienda, descargue el libro desde "Mi cuenta > Mis productos descargables" o desde el link que recibirá por correo. Al hacer clic, se descargará un fichero con la extensión .epub

5. Abra el fichero con Bluefire.


Descargar en otros eReaders

1. Asegúrese desde aquí que su dispositivo es compatible con Adobe Digital Editions

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3. En la tienda, descargue el libro desde "Mi cuenta > Mis productos descargables" o desde el link que recibirá por correo. Al hacer clic, se descargará un fichero con la extensión .epub.

4. Una vez descargado, abra el fichero con Adobe Digital Editions.

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* Campos Obligatorios

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Información adicional

Código 9781621365204
Páginas 240
Autor Cox, Brandon
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2014-02-04
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Charisma House
If Gods desire to enlarge His family matters...
If the church of the future matters...
If the gospel still matters...

We must embrace the changes that are happening in our world.

There is no going back. Our world is changing at an unprecedented rate. We are connected with people all over the planet through technology that didnt even exist ten years ago. The world around us is having a conversation about life, meaning, culture, and eternity, and we have an amazing opportunity not just to join the conversation but also to lead it.

But too many in the church are struggling to keep up with this cultural shift and failing to use these communication tools to their full advantage. In Rewired Brandon Cox demonstrates the real, connecting power in online social networks, showing you how to connect and tell Gods story relationally and creatively in our social, digital age.

Because the thing is, social media isnt an escape from the real world. It is the real world, whether we are ready for it or not. And this shift we are seeing toward a more mobile, social environment is actually a return to the form we were created for: to be in relationships, to have conversations, and to share our stories--and Gods--with each other.


If Gods desire to enlarge His family matters...
If the church of the future matters...
If the gospel still matters...

We must embrace the changes that are happening in our world.

There is no going back. Our world is changing at an unprecedented rate. We are connected with people all over the planet through technology that didnt even exist ten years ago. The world around us is having a conversation about life, meaning, culture, and eternity, and we have an amazing opportunity not just to join the conversation but also to lead it.

But too many in the church are struggling to keep up with this cultural shift and failing to use these communication tools to their full advantage. In Rewired Brandon Cox demonstrates the real, connecting power in online social networks, showing you how to connect and tell Gods story relationally and creatively in our social, digital age.

Because the thing is, social media isnt an escape from the real world. It is the real world, whether we are ready for it or not. And this shift we are seeing toward a more mobile, social environment is actually a return to the form we were created for: to be in relationships, to have conversations, and to share our stories--and Gods--with each other.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781621365204
Páginas 240
Autor Cox, Brandon
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2014-02-04
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Charisma House

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