Setting Broken Bones

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Setting Broken Bones Maxwell, Penny
How long will you limp through life before deciding it’s worth the discomfort and outright pain to heal the way Jesus intended you to heal?

After a childhood marked by abuse and dysfunction, Penny Maxwell knows how challenging the journey to healing can be. Healing hurts, and Maxwell knows how enticing it is to walk with wounds and dysfunction rather than endure the pain it takes to truly be free.
In Setting Broken Bones, Maxwell shares hard truths she learned through her own healing journey and challenges readers to trust God with their hurts. Using the analogy of a person walking around with broken physical bones that never healed properly, Maxwell confronts readers with the truth: we can either walk around in pain with bones that were never healed or experience temporary pain to have them set properly so healing can occur.  Sharing from her personal story, Maxwell provides:
  • Powerful teachings from God’s Word
  • Practical ways to walk free from a painful past no matter what your personal struggles have been
  • Guidance to face the pain you’ve been hiding to experience healing and freedom
Sometimes Christians wrap bandages around their pain with more church, more good works, more Bible reading plans, and other seemingly spiritual activities to distract themselves from the pain. This book will help you face the pain you have been hiding from so it can be healed once and for all.  Whether you have come from a painful past yourself, have a loved one who is still trapped in that pain, or desire to minister to people who are on the path to healing from pain, this book will reveal God’s heart toward that pain, and show you how He will heal it when you surrender it to Him.

This book will help you find healing from past pain rather than focusing on blame, becoming bitter, and asking why. You will lean into God to gather strength and healing so that you can minister freedom to others who have faced pain themselves.

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