The Rhythm of Us

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The Rhythm of Us Graebe, Chris
What does your marriage look like in your wildest dreams?

You know those couples who seem to truly thrive? The lucky ones who are somehow still wildly in love after decades of marriage? As it turns out, that kind of marriage isn’t just meant for a select few. The healthiest, happiest marriages share a transformational secret: intentional rhythms.

In The Rhythm of Us, Chris and Jenni Graebe invite you to discover what those core essential rhythms are, how they work, and the results they can have on your relationships if you choose to practice them. With real life examples and inspirational guidance, you’ll learn how to envision the marriage you long for, identify the ruts that are keeping you stuck, and bring your deepest passions and priorities to life in your relationship.

You don’t have to settle for a marriage that’s just skimming by. Starting today, you can create a rich, passionate, thriving marriage that will last a lifetime.

"It only takes a few minutes to realize that Jenni and Chris have a special relationship, and their advice and intentionality are a gift to other marriages. I’m so grateful for a resource that I can confidently pass along to others, knowing that it will quickly become a favorite!" -Angie Smith, bestselling author of Seamless

"This isn’t just another marriage book. This is an invitation . . . of the thriving marriage you long for. Chris and Jenni have placed some incredibly powerful tools in the hands of the reader, life-saving questions, practices, and rhythms that will have you dreaming of the marriage you desire and what it looks like to pursue that dream in the here and now." -Christy Nockels, worship leader, songwriter, author of The Life You Long For

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