The Stitch of Hope Collection: Beaded Hope / Sisters of Sugarcreek

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The Stitch of Hope Collection: Beaded Hope / Sisters of Sugarcreek Liggett, Cathy
This collection combines 2 of Cathy Liggett’s novels into one e-book for a great value!

Beaded Hope (2011 Carol Award winner for Women’s Fiction from ACFW)

Four American women, all with their own challenges, embark on a mission trip to South Africa. Their lives are changed as they encounter a group of South African women who suffer from AIDS yet demonstrate great joy and faith in the face of overwhelming adversity. When the Americans discover the amazing beadwork that has been taught to generations of women in the community, they uncover a way to help these proud people support their families by selling their craft.

Sisters of Sugarcreek (One of Booklist’s Top 10 Inspirational Fiction for 2017)
Many lives were changed the day a fire burned down Faith Community Church, devastating the small town of Sugarcreek, Ohio. Now a young Amish widow, Lydia Gruber faces an uncertain future. Her husband, a craftsman and volunteer firefighter, always took care of everything, keeping her isolated from others in their community. Without anyone or any skills, how will she survive? With the death of her beloved aunt Rose in the fire, single mom Jessica Holtz inherits Rose’s Knit One Quilt Too cottage. Though determined to keep the shop open in her aunt’s memory, she doesn’t know the first thing about knitting and quilting and begins to see her aunt’s dream slip through her fingers. When Liz Cannon lost her dear friend Rose, she also lost her partner in the Secret Stitches Society-the name they gave themselves while delivering gifts of hope to troubled folks in the dark of night. Liz convinces Jessica to keep the anonymous society going, despite the younger women’s inadequacy with knitting and sewing needles. But soon Liz has problems of her own as the life she has rebuilt for herself begins to crumble again. When Liz and Jessica choose Lydia for their first mission, the three women cross paths and form an unlikely friendship in the aftermath of tragedy. As they walk together through triumph and heartbreak-through grief and new chances at love-they begin to discover that with friends by your side, a stitch of hope can be found anywhere.

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