Take It Back

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Take It Back Clinton, Tim
Our culture is determined to redefine masculinity as something it was never meant to be.

The American Psychological Association asserts that “traditional masculinity is psychologically harmful.” Many agree that “forcing men to behave in accordance with the worst stereotypes of manliness harms them, and it harms others.” But is the answer then to marginalize and feminize men? Despite culture’s determination to redefine masculinity, the great heart cry of our day is for men to rise up and take back their rightful place. It’s a cry that echoes deep in the soul and from all ends of our society, and particularly from the women who love their fathers, husbands, brothers, and sons. Most women want their men to be honored and to stand up and be men. 
Men have faltered and lost a lot of influence and territory. The good news is that for many who struggle there is often a daily yearning to make it right.

The reality is, masculinity is not and never was “toxic.”
Tim Clinton, president of the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), challenges readers to reject culture’s redefinition and seek biblical examples of true manhood. Fast-paced, filled with relevant biblical and contemporary stories of godly men like David, Nehemiah, George Foreman, and Tim Tebow, Take It Back empowers men to be who God created them to be and to impact the culture that is in desperate need of their influence.

Readers will find encouragement and affirmation that they matter as men, that they can be difference-makers in their circles of influence and have a positive impact on the culture. They will find grace for their shame over past mistakes and find the ability to move forward.
This book will help you find encouragement and affirmation that you matter as a man, that you can be a difference-maker in your circle of influence and have a positive impact on the culture. You will find grace to overcome your shame over past mistakes and find the ability to move forward.


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