The Oracle

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The Oracle Cahn, Jonathan
New York Times and USA Today Best Seller!

Discover the amazing secret of the ages...and the mystery of your life!

The Oracle will reveal the mystery behind everything...the past, the present, current events, even what is yet to come! Open the seven doors of revelation—and prepare to be blown away!

Jonathan Cahn, author of the New York Times best sellers The Harbinger, The Mystery of the Shemitah, The Book of Mysteries, and The Paradigm, now unveils The Oracle, in which he opens up the Jubilean mysteries and a revelation so big that it lies behind everything from the rise and fall of nations and empires (even America), to the current events of our day, to the future, to end-time prophecy, and much more.
  • Could an ancient prophecy and a mysterious ordinance given in a Middle Eastern desert over three thousand years ago be determining the events of our day?
  • Could some of the most famous people of modern history and current events be secretly linked to this mystery-even a modern president of the United States?
  • Could this ancient revelation pinpoint the events of our times down to the year, month, and day of their occurring?
  • Could a mysterious phenomenon be manifesting on the world stage on an exact timetable determined from ancient times?
  • Could these manifestations have altered-and now be altering-the course of world events?
Jonathan Cahn takes the reader on a journey to find the man called the Oracle. One by one each of the Jubilean mysteries will be revealed through the giving of a vision. The Oracle will uncover the mysteries of The Stranger, The Lost City, The Man With the Measuring Line, The Land of Seven Wells, The Birds, The Number of the End, The Man in the Black Robe, The Prophet's Song, The Matrix of Years, The Day of the Lions, The Awakening of the Dragon, and much more.

The reader will discover the ancient scrolls that contain the appointed words that have determined the course of world history from the onset of modern times up to our day. The revelation is so big that it will involve and open up the mysteries of everything and everyone from Mark Twain to Moses, from King Nebuchadnezzar to Donald Trump, from the fall of empires to the rise of America, from a mystery hidden in a desert cave to another in an ancient scroll, from the palace of the Persian Empire to the US Senate, from the Summer of Love to the Code of Babylon, and much, much more.

Ultimately the Oracle will reveal the secret that lies behind end-time prophecy and the mystery of the end of the age.

As with The Harbinger and The Book of Mysteries, Cahn reveals the mysteries through a narrative. A traveler is given seven keys; each will open up one of seven doors. Behind each door lies a stream of mysteries. The reader will be taken on a journey of angels and prophetic revelations waiting to be discovered behind each of the seven doors-the ancient secrets that lie behind the world-changing events of modern times-and revelations of what is yet to come.

Hailed as a mind-blowing masterpiece, The Oracle will reveal mysteries that are absolutely real, amazing, stunning, mind-blowing, and life-changing.

Prepare to be blown away.

Also Available in Spanish
ISBN-13: 978-1-62999-267-9
E-Book ISBN: 978-1-62999-268-6


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