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Influence and power are not just for men.

The fight was never intended to be man vs. woman. Both men and women are strong and mighty in the Lord. Chayil is a Hebrew word that is connected to strength, wealth, power, influence, wisdom, and military might, and it happens to be the word translated “virtuous” in Proverbs 31. Since the beginning of time chayil, or “virtuous,” women have been created to fight for and defend their homes, families, and other kingdom entities against evil influences. Chayil women have been empowered to organize and activate those under their authority so that everything to which they are assigned runs smoothly and with excellence.
A chayil woman is strong, mighty, and efficient; valiant, virtuous, and victorious. We were created to war together, man and woman, side by side, tearing down demonic strongholds of wickedness and advancing the territory of the kingdom of God.
If you want to be empowered to accomplish your kingdom destiny and purpose in Christ, this book is for you! Using numerous examples from Scripture, this book shows women how to tap into the essence of the chayil anointing so they will be
  • endued with power to defend and take back what is theirs;
  • strengthened and motivated to tap into their God-given abilities and power to build and influence the areas they occupy;
  • activated with supernatural wisdom and power to get wealth and to overtake the thief that comes to steal, kill, and destroy;
  • able to take authority and defend their families, possessions, destinies, property, and dignity;
  • encouraged to have an edge against the forces that try to destroy their vision and success in business or ministry.
The chayil anointing manifests in the woman who is anointed for ministry, business, and marketplace influence.

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