The Power of Music

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The Power of Music Brown, Michael L.
Music can either Connect You to God or Drive You to the Devil.
God created the human race to enjoy music and to make music, and through music the world has been dramatically changed—for good and for evil. In this fascinating book Michael L. Brown takes the reader on a journey through the history of music—from classical to rock and from hip-hop to gospel—showing just how transformative music has been and how much God wants to use it to change the world again.
Brown contends that it is time for all Christians to make a concerted effort to recover the potential of anointed music and song—in our assemblies and in society, in our services and on the streets, in studios and in schools. The counterculture revolution of the 1960s only succeeded with the help of satanically inspired music and mind-altering drugs. Could it be that today’s Jesus revolution can only succeed with the help of Spirit-inspired music and a life-altering encounter with God? What else will produce the necessary change in our perspective?
After reading this book, believers will never again listen to music the same! They will finally understand its power and divine origin, but more importantly they will know how God wants to use it to usher in a global outpouring that will change the world forever.

This book will show you how music can either indoctrinate or educate you, spark rebellion or patriotism, and drive you to the devil or draw you closer to God.

“This book will stir up musicians, artists, and worshippers everywhere to dive deeper into an appreciation and adoration of the One Himself who created sounds, songs, and melodies!”
—BECKAH SHAE, Dove Award-Nominated Singer/Songwriter

“Musicians and non-musicians alike will be inspired by the powerful ways God intends to use music in today’s end-time drama.”
—BOB SORGE, Author of Exploring Worship: A Practical Guide to Praise and Worship

“Dr. Brown has written a must-read for all musicians, singers, and songwriters who desire to harness the power of music to glorify Jesus, change the atmosphere, and release heaven’s sound on the earth.”
—KELANIE GLOECKLER, Worship Leader and Songwriter,
Executive Director of Access Worship International


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