Mark of the Lion: Mark of the Lion Gift Collection

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Mark of the Lion: Mark of the Lion Gift Collection Rivers, Francine
The complete 3-book historical Christian fiction series by the New York Times bestselling author of Redeeming Love and The Masterpiece.

Travel to first-century Rome in this classic series and discover what has inspired millions of readers worldwide. This Collection bundles all three titles from the Mark of the Lion series into one volume.

A Voice in the Wind, the first book in the trilogy, introduces readers to Hadassah, a young Jewish girl captured and sold into slavery but still holding firm to her faith in God. Though torn by her love for a handsome aristocrat, Hadassah becomes a shining beacon of light in the darkness and depravity around her.

In An Echo in the Darkness, Marcus, a wealthy Roman aristocrat touched by Hadassah’s sincere belief, begins to wonder if there’s more to this life. As he continues to search for meaning and faith, he is led by a whispering voice from the past that could set him free from the darkness of his soul.

The trilogy concludes with As Sure as the Dawn, which follows Atretes, the high chief of a Germanic tribe who fought as a gladiator and won his freedom. As Atretes sets out to return home with his infant son, only one thing stands in his way: Rizpah, a Christian widow who has cared for the baby since his birth.

All three books in this latest Collection include a preface from Francine Rivers and discussion questions suitable for personal and group use.

"Francine Rivers puts readers right into the history of the moment."
-Romantic Times

"Francine Rivers without a doubt is one of the finest storytellers of our generation. . . . No one reading her books will ever be the same again."
-Debbie Macomber, New York Times bestselling author

"As we ‘watch’ Hadassah and Atretes struggle through first-century trials, we learn how to handle similar situations in the twenty-first century. The ‘costumes’ may vary, but our Lord does not change."
-Angela Hunt

"Francine redefined Christian fiction-honest, unflinching, powerful, life-changing-demonstrating why storytelling is the most effective way to communicate God’s truth. Every Christian novelist writing today owes a debt of gratitude to Francine Rivers for lighting the way."
-Liz Curtis Higgs

"Francine Rivers writes from her heart to touch the hearts of her readers. Her books are essential reading for all who love Christian fiction."
-Bodie Thoene

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