The Song of Seare

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The Song of Seare Laureano, C. E.
This collection bundles all 3 titles of the exciting Song of Seare series into one e-book for a great value!

#1 Oath of the Brotherhood:

In a kingdom where the Old Ways hold fast and a mans worth lies entirely in his skill with the sword, Conor Mac Nir is a scholar, a musician, and a follower of the forbidden Balian faith: problematic for any man, but disastrous for the son of the king.

When Conor is sent as a hostage to a neighboring kingdom, he never expects to fall in love with the rival kings sister, Aine. Nor does he suspect his gift with the harp (and Aines ability to heal) touches on the realm of magic. Then his clan begins a campaign to eliminate all Balians from the isle of Seare, putting his newfound home in peril and entangling him in a plot for control of the island that has been unfolding since long before his birth.

Only by committing himself to an ancient warrior brotherhood can Conor discover the part hes meant to play in Seares future. But is he willing to sacrifice everything--even the woman he loves--to follow the path his God has laid before him?

#2 Beneath the Forsaken City:
Conor and Aine have barely escaped Seare with their lives. Conor knows he must return to find the harp that could end the Red Druids reign of terror, but in the midst of their escape, he and Aine are torn apart once more. Surrounded by despair and thrown into as much danger as they left behind, Conor and Aine must cling to the whispers of Comdius plans for them and the homeland that depends on their survival. But at what cost? Will they learn to depend on Comdiu completely? Or will they give up hope?

#3 The Sword and the Song:
The shadow of war. A clash of brothers. A terrible sacrifice. In the face of powerful darkness, who will prevail?

The island of Seare is at war. The Red Druid is gathering strength and power to stand against Conor, Eoghan, and the brotherhood. But there is strife within the brotherhood as well. Eoghan still refuses to claim his rightful rule, and the resulting conflict creates an uncomfortable distance between him and Conor. When Conor leaves to find the key to defeating the Red Druid, Eoghan and Aine worry he will succumb to the danger. They set out on their own mission to defeat the Red Druid through Aines magical gifts.

But nothing--and no one--is as it seems.

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