Resting in His Redemption

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Resting in His Redemption Gills, James

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Información adicional

Código 9781616384258
Páginas 224
Autor Gills, James
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2011-07-05
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Charisma House

The Scriptures teach clearly that God desires to live in intimate fellowship and communion with mankind. He wants us to enjoy His love, peace, joy, and companionship and to rest in His redemption, experiencing the perfect harmony and contentment and fulfillment of purpose for which He created us. Gods original purpose for creating mankind was simply for us to enjoy relationship with Him, the kind of fellowship that the first couple, Adam and Eve, enjoyed in the Garden of Eden, when God walked with them in the cool of the evening (Gen. 3:8).

Then, sin entered the human experience and separated all mankind from that divine fellowship. But when we place our faith in Christs sacrifice for our sin, we are redeemed by the blood of Christ and justified in the sight of God. But that is not the end of the matter; it is only the beginning. Gods intention is that we be completely restored--spirit, soul, and body--to the divine rest found in His redemption, He wants us to experience that mystery of intimate communion with our Creator/Redeemer.

In this book we will discuss four important aspects of fulfilling the deepest desire of the human heart--to know God personally and intimately in the way Gods great, loving heart intended. To know the love of God that brings true heart contentment, we need to walk in the understanding of these divine principles:

The biblical basis for all prayer is resting in His redemption.

The biblical basis for all Christian living is resting in His redemption.

The biblical basis for total forgiveness is resting in His redemption.

The biblical basis for divine contentment is resting in His redemption.
Your life can be transformed when you allow Him to make them a reality to your heart. The love of God can fill your heart and make you a victorious lover of the Christ. You will be ruined for any lesser, temporal pleasure or love once you taste more deeply the wonders of resting in His redemption.



The Scriptures teach clearly that God desires to live in intimate fellowship and communion with mankind. He wants us to enjoy His love, peace, joy, and companionship and to rest in His redemption, experiencing the perfect harmony and contentment and fulfillment of purpose for which He created us. Gods original purpose for creating mankind was simply for us to enjoy relationship with Him, the kind of fellowship that the first couple, Adam and Eve, enjoyed in the Garden of Eden, when God walked with them in the cool of the evening (Gen. 3:8).

Then, sin entered the human experience and separated all mankind from that divine fellowship. But when we place our faith in Christs sacrifice for our sin, we are redeemed by the blood of Christ and justified in the sight of God. But that is not the end of the matter; it is only the beginning. Gods intention is that we be completely restored--spirit, soul, and body--to the divine rest found in His redemption, He wants us to experience that mystery of intimate communion with our Creator/Redeemer.

In this book we will discuss four important aspects of fulfilling the deepest desire of the human heart--to know God personally and intimately in the way Gods great, loving heart intended. To know the love of God that brings true heart contentment, we need to walk in the understanding of these divine principles:

The biblical basis for all prayer is resting in His redemption.

The biblical basis for all Christian living is resting in His redemption.

The biblical basis for total forgiveness is resting in His redemption.

The biblical basis for divine contentment is resting in His redemption.
Your life can be transformed when you allow Him to make them a reality to your heart. The love of God can fill your heart and make you a victorious lover of the Christ. You will be ruined for any lesser, temporal pleasure or love once you taste more deeply the wonders of resting in His redemption.

Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781616384258
Páginas 224
Autor Gills, James
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2011-07-05
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Charisma House

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