Peabody and Pals: Peabody the Mini Horse

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Peabody and Pals: Peabody the Mini Horse San Severino, Faith

* Campos Obligatorios

9,99 $
9,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781496480965
Páginas 32
Autor San Severino, Faith
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2024-02-06
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers
Get ready to meet Peabody! He’s the world’s smallest horse with a BIG message:

We are all very special, and God never makes mistakes!

Miniature horse trainer Faith San Severino wrote this delightful, fictional tale featuring a real-life miniature horse with dwarfism-Peabody! He is a therapy animal who brings joy to millions of people.

Peabody the Mini Horse was rescued by the author and trained as a therapy animal. Once Faith started sharing videos of Peabody on TikTok, this mini horse captured the hearts of millions-including Kelly Clarkson who featured Peabody on the What I’m Liking segment of her television show.

In this first picture book from the Peabody and Friends series, Peabody is told that he is too small to ever amount to anything. But with the help of new friends who also feel small, Peabody learns that he is just the way he is supposed to be, that God made him, and that God doesn’t make mistakes.

In this book, you will find:
  • One caring nurse named Pippa who makes a home for Peabody
  • A handsome mini husky named Bubblegum (like Peabody, based on a real-life animal)
  • A delightful mini donkey with dwarfism named Fitzgerald (also based on a real-life animal)
  • And the one and only PEABODY!
In addition, you’ll find the following features:
  • Beautiful full-color illustrations by Sebastien Braun
  • Adorable photos of the real-life animals in the back of the book
Peabody, Bubblegum, and Fitzgerald come to discover that no matter how small or different they may feel, they can find friendship, belonging, and their forever home. So, grab this book and snuggle up with someone special. Then prepare to give your heart to Peabody and his friends.


Get ready to meet Peabody! He’s the world’s smallest horse with a BIG message:

We are all very special, and God never makes mistakes!

Miniature horse trainer Faith San Severino wrote this delightful, fictional tale featuring a real-life miniature horse with dwarfism-Peabody! He is a therapy animal who brings joy to millions of people.

Peabody the Mini Horse was rescued by the author and trained as a therapy animal. Once Faith started sharing videos of Peabody on TikTok, this mini horse captured the hearts of millions-including Kelly Clarkson who featured Peabody on the What I’m Liking segment of her television show.

In this first picture book from the Peabody and Friends series, Peabody is told that he is too small to ever amount to anything. But with the help of new friends who also feel small, Peabody learns that he is just the way he is supposed to be, that God made him, and that God doesn’t make mistakes.

In this book, you will find:
  • One caring nurse named Pippa who makes a home for Peabody
  • A handsome mini husky named Bubblegum (like Peabody, based on a real-life animal)
  • A delightful mini donkey with dwarfism named Fitzgerald (also based on a real-life animal)
  • And the one and only PEABODY!
In addition, you’ll find the following features:
  • Beautiful full-color illustrations by Sebastien Braun
  • Adorable photos of the real-life animals in the back of the book
Peabody, Bubblegum, and Fitzgerald come to discover that no matter how small or different they may feel, they can find friendship, belonging, and their forever home. So, grab this book and snuggle up with someone special. Then prepare to give your heart to Peabody and his friends.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781496480965
Páginas 32
Autor San Severino, Faith
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2024-02-06
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers

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