Ordinary People, Extraordinary Power

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Ordinary People, Extraordinary Power Eckhardt, John

* Campos Obligatorios

14,99 $
14,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781616382643
Páginas 224
Autor Eckhardt, John
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2010-11-02
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Charisma House

How did the early church grow so quickly?
How can we replicate that success today?

The early church gives us the perfect example of how a small group of committed Christians can affect their communities and change the world. The apostles brought a change to the way the people of God lived. Wherever they went, what they believed transformed the culture.

In Ordinary People, Extraordinary Power, John Eckhardt helps you understand the purpose and function of todays spiritual apostles. Using examples from Jesus and the early church, Eckhardt shows you Gods strategy for the apostolic and the biblical foundation for its use and pattern. You will discover...

  • The characteristics of the apostle
  • The proper role and function of the apostolic
  • The ways God uses this gift in the world today

Apostles are pioneers. They preach and teach the culture of the kingdom of God--a kingdom of love, humility, power, authority, and service. Through training, teaching, discipleship, and relationship, God begins to empower individuals by the Holy Spirit in preparation for greater service.

Our world needs people willing to break free from religion and tradition and be activated to heal, deliver, prophesy, preach, and demonstrate Gods kingdom. It is time to put the apostolic back in the church.



How did the early church grow so quickly?
How can we replicate that success today?

The early church gives us the perfect example of how a small group of committed Christians can affect their communities and change the world. The apostles brought a change to the way the people of God lived. Wherever they went, what they believed transformed the culture.

In Ordinary People, Extraordinary Power, John Eckhardt helps you understand the purpose and function of todays spiritual apostles. Using examples from Jesus and the early church, Eckhardt shows you Gods strategy for the apostolic and the biblical foundation for its use and pattern. You will discover...

  • The characteristics of the apostle
  • The proper role and function of the apostolic
  • The ways God uses this gift in the world today

Apostles are pioneers. They preach and teach the culture of the kingdom of God--a kingdom of love, humility, power, authority, and service. Through training, teaching, discipleship, and relationship, God begins to empower individuals by the Holy Spirit in preparation for greater service.

Our world needs people willing to break free from religion and tradition and be activated to heal, deliver, prophesy, preach, and demonstrate Gods kingdom. It is time to put the apostolic back in the church.

Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781616382643
Páginas 224
Autor Eckhardt, John
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2010-11-02
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Charisma House

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