New Life Freedom: 100 Days to Freedom from Fear and Anxiety

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New Life Freedom: 100 Days to Freedom from Fear and Anxiety Arterburn, Stephen

* Campos Obligatorios

9,99 $
9,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781496465344
Páginas 208
Autor Arterburn, Stephen
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2021-08-03
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Rose Publishing
Don’t just feel better--be better. In 100 Days to Freedom from Fear and Anxiety, move beyond emotions that can diminish and even paralyze us from all that God has for us today.

Today’s times are filled to the brim with circumstances that can produce fear and anxiety in very large doses. We live in an instant-gratification culture that churns out quick-fix solutions, none of which seem to have the ability to last beyond the next wave of discontent, thus compounding our problems further.

This devotional includes:
  • Daily 5-minute devotions on 100 topics that encourage finding peace over fear
  • Thought-provoking & encouraging quotes
  • Powerful prayers inspired by Scripture
  • Relevant verses and further study options
  • This new devotional series by best-selling author Stephen Arterburn has a definable end result in mind for you from the start.

100 Days to Freedom from Fear and Anxiety offers a daily respite from worries and the scary things of life. Gain insight into how God offers peace, where anxiety and fear begins, and practical understanding of steps to freedom from fear and anxiety. Through the looking at key scriptures properly applied, coupled with time-tested quotes from notable Christian men and women through the ages, the reader learns to:
  • Replace fear with faith
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Find freedom in God’s unwavering goodness

Each of the 100 devotions will highlight a key scripture verse focusing on the helpful insights that Stephen Arterburn, shares from his decades-long experience in counseling.

Quotes are added from a variety of Christian profiles along with additional scriptures for those readers wishing for a deeper understanding. Each of the one hundred devotions concludes with a prayer. Color interiors on each page are laid out in a pleasant, easy-to-read format. Scripture quotes use the New International Version.


Don’t just feel better--be better. In 100 Days to Freedom from Fear and Anxiety, move beyond emotions that can diminish and even paralyze us from all that God has for us today.

Today’s times are filled to the brim with circumstances that can produce fear and anxiety in very large doses. We live in an instant-gratification culture that churns out quick-fix solutions, none of which seem to have the ability to last beyond the next wave of discontent, thus compounding our problems further.

This devotional includes:
  • Daily 5-minute devotions on 100 topics that encourage finding peace over fear
  • Thought-provoking & encouraging quotes
  • Powerful prayers inspired by Scripture
  • Relevant verses and further study options
  • This new devotional series by best-selling author Stephen Arterburn has a definable end result in mind for you from the start.

100 Days to Freedom from Fear and Anxiety offers a daily respite from worries and the scary things of life. Gain insight into how God offers peace, where anxiety and fear begins, and practical understanding of steps to freedom from fear and anxiety. Through the looking at key scriptures properly applied, coupled with time-tested quotes from notable Christian men and women through the ages, the reader learns to:
  • Replace fear with faith
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Find freedom in God’s unwavering goodness

Each of the 100 devotions will highlight a key scripture verse focusing on the helpful insights that Stephen Arterburn, shares from his decades-long experience in counseling.

Quotes are added from a variety of Christian profiles along with additional scriptures for those readers wishing for a deeper understanding. Each of the one hundred devotions concludes with a prayer. Color interiors on each page are laid out in a pleasant, easy-to-read format. Scripture quotes use the New International Version.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781496465344
Páginas 208
Autor Arterburn, Stephen
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2021-08-03
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Rose Publishing

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