Letting Go of Supermom

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Letting Go of Supermom Sutherland, Daisy

* Campos Obligatorios

15,99 $
15,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781621360384
Páginas 256
Autor Sutherland, Daisy
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2012-08-07
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Siloam
You Are Not Alone

Women today do it all...from leading Fortune 500 companies and managing large ministry organizations to running a tight ship at home. But keeping all those balls spinning can be an impossible task, and the pressure that we place on ourselves to be perfect can be overwhelming. Letting Go of Supermom is the definitive guide for everything you need to manage your life and your familys life with confidence and grace. No matter where you are or what your goals, youll get loads of tips, tricks, and triumphs to help you find the authentic, balanced life you crave, including:
  • Parenting and relationship tools
  • Time-management and organization tips
  • Keys to handling stress the right way
  • Details on nutrition and wellness
  • Ways to stay spiritually refreshed, and more.
So give up the fight to be perfect in every way, never letting things fail, and always being there for everyone. It is time to quit trying to be supermom and start becoming the person God made you to be.



You Are Not Alone

Women today do it all...from leading Fortune 500 companies and managing large ministry organizations to running a tight ship at home. But keeping all those balls spinning can be an impossible task, and the pressure that we place on ourselves to be perfect can be overwhelming. Letting Go of Supermom is the definitive guide for everything you need to manage your life and your familys life with confidence and grace. No matter where you are or what your goals, youll get loads of tips, tricks, and triumphs to help you find the authentic, balanced life you crave, including:
  • Parenting and relationship tools
  • Time-management and organization tips
  • Keys to handling stress the right way
  • Details on nutrition and wellness
  • Ways to stay spiritually refreshed, and more.
So give up the fight to be perfect in every way, never letting things fail, and always being there for everyone. It is time to quit trying to be supermom and start becoming the person God made you to be.

Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781621360384
Páginas 256
Autor Sutherland, Daisy
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2012-08-07
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Siloam

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