Jesus' Family Tree

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Jesus' Family Tree Rose Publishing

* Campos Obligatorios

24,99 $
24,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781496465368
Páginas 192
Autor Rose Publishing
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2021-09-07
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Rose Publishing
Packed with timelines, family trees, and simple summaries, this incredible reference book gives a fantastic overview of 30 key people in Jesus’ ancestry. Perfect for students, pastors, Bible study teachers, and those interested in seeing God’s faithfulness throughout the Old and New Testament.

The remarkable heroes and heroines in the ancestry of Jesus teach us a lot about God’s faithfulness over the centuries. Each character in Jesus’ family tree gives us a glimpse of how God works all things-even the tragedies and missteps-together for good.

Enjoy Covering 30 Key People from Jesus’ Family Tree!
Looking at the dozens of names listed in Jesus’ genealogy (family tree) can be quite overwhelming-and it can be hard to know what’s important. Now you can easily dive into the fascinating lives of 30 key people from Jesus’ family tree, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ruth, David and more with this full-color book.
  • See how God fulfilled his promises through the generations-despite the strengths and weaknesses of each individual.
  • Deepen your understanding of how Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecies regarding the Messiah’s ancestry-he was from the family line of David, from the seed of Abraham, from the stem of Jesse, and more.
  • Find out fascinating facts, such as why 5 women were mentioned in Jesus’ family tree (when women were usually never mentioned).
  • Enjoy having quick overviews that will add depth to any study on Jesus Christ and his link to the Old Testament, starting in the Book of Genesis.
  • Get incredible charts, maps and time lines showing hundreds of facts at a glance.
BONUS! Genealogy of Jesus Diagram: A family tree from Adam and Eve to Jesus Christ. Shows every person in the Bible who is listed in Jesus’ direct ancestry.


Packed with timelines, family trees, and simple summaries, this incredible reference book gives a fantastic overview of 30 key people in Jesus’ ancestry. Perfect for students, pastors, Bible study teachers, and those interested in seeing God’s faithfulness throughout the Old and New Testament.

The remarkable heroes and heroines in the ancestry of Jesus teach us a lot about God’s faithfulness over the centuries. Each character in Jesus’ family tree gives us a glimpse of how God works all things-even the tragedies and missteps-together for good.

Enjoy Covering 30 Key People from Jesus’ Family Tree!
Looking at the dozens of names listed in Jesus’ genealogy (family tree) can be quite overwhelming-and it can be hard to know what’s important. Now you can easily dive into the fascinating lives of 30 key people from Jesus’ family tree, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ruth, David and more with this full-color book.
  • See how God fulfilled his promises through the generations-despite the strengths and weaknesses of each individual.
  • Deepen your understanding of how Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecies regarding the Messiah’s ancestry-he was from the family line of David, from the seed of Abraham, from the stem of Jesse, and more.
  • Find out fascinating facts, such as why 5 women were mentioned in Jesus’ family tree (when women were usually never mentioned).
  • Enjoy having quick overviews that will add depth to any study on Jesus Christ and his link to the Old Testament, starting in the Book of Genesis.
  • Get incredible charts, maps and time lines showing hundreds of facts at a glance.
BONUS! Genealogy of Jesus Diagram: A family tree from Adam and Eve to Jesus Christ. Shows every person in the Bible who is listed in Jesus’ direct ancestry.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781496465368
Páginas 192
Autor Rose Publishing
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2021-09-07
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Rose Publishing

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