Hang On, Let Go

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Hang On, Let Go Viola, Frank

* Campos Obligatorios

12,99 $
12,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781496452252
Páginas 352
Autor Viola, Frank
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2021-08-17
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers
Bestselling author Frank Viola writes a time-tested field guide to weathering the storms of life.

Whether it’s the loss of a job, a child who has gotten into serious trouble, a relationship that’s in peril, or a loved one with a debilitating illness, at some point, something in our lives will strip us of all control. Life comes apart at the seams, and hope begins to evaporate.

Hang On, Let Go was written from the pit of numerous soul-piercing adversities in Frank’s own life. In this volume, he draws from the insights he gleaned from the Lord, friends, and writers during his darkest days. The wisdom contained in this volume became the bread and butter Frank relied on, helping him to be developed by his trials rather than destroyed by them.

Each short chapter explores a different aspect of the storm: When You Need to Regrip, Walking in the Darkness, Abandoning Fix-It Mode, The Story in Our Head, Just Breathe, and much more. This book is about how to react to intense trials in your life with two seemingly contradictory impulses: hang on, let go.

How is that possible? . . . Read on. Frank explores the how and the why in this highly practical, incisive, no-nonsense guidebook on how to thrive during the inevitable pitfalls of life.


Bestselling author Frank Viola writes a time-tested field guide to weathering the storms of life.

Whether it’s the loss of a job, a child who has gotten into serious trouble, a relationship that’s in peril, or a loved one with a debilitating illness, at some point, something in our lives will strip us of all control. Life comes apart at the seams, and hope begins to evaporate.

Hang On, Let Go was written from the pit of numerous soul-piercing adversities in Frank’s own life. In this volume, he draws from the insights he gleaned from the Lord, friends, and writers during his darkest days. The wisdom contained in this volume became the bread and butter Frank relied on, helping him to be developed by his trials rather than destroyed by them.

Each short chapter explores a different aspect of the storm: When You Need to Regrip, Walking in the Darkness, Abandoning Fix-It Mode, The Story in Our Head, Just Breathe, and much more. This book is about how to react to intense trials in your life with two seemingly contradictory impulses: hang on, let go.

How is that possible? . . . Read on. Frank explores the how and the why in this highly practical, incisive, no-nonsense guidebook on how to thrive during the inevitable pitfalls of life.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781496452252
Páginas 352
Autor Viola, Frank
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2021-08-17
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Tyndale House Publishers

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