Girl Perfect

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Información adicional

Código 9781599795409
Páginas 208
Autor Strickland, Jennifer
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2012-09-20
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Charisma House
Discover the Freedom to be the Girl God Made

At the age of eight, Jennifer Strickland entered the world of modeling, beginning a journey that took her to the runways of Milan. On the outside, she seemed to have it all: walking the runway for Giorgio Armani, commercials for companies from Oil of Olay to Mercedes Benz, worldwide attention, and all the glamour that comes with the fashion industry. But she quickly discovered that this world is not all glitter and gold...

Girl Perfect is the haunting story of Jennifers journey from fashion to faith. Within these pages you will get an inside look at the industry and you will find a girl who struggled just as you do. The principles of true beauty she shares will shatter the illusion that beauty and success satisfy, leading you to the powerful, lasting knowledge of who you are in Gods sight: his beloved daughter, handcrafted to reflect His glory to the world.


Discover the Freedom to be the Girl God Made

At the age of eight, Jennifer Strickland entered the world of modeling, beginning a journey that took her to the runways of Milan. On the outside, she seemed to have it all: walking the runway for Giorgio Armani, commercials for companies from Oil of Olay to Mercedes Benz, worldwide attention, and all the glamour that comes with the fashion industry. But she quickly discovered that this world is not all glitter and gold...

Girl Perfect is the haunting story of Jennifers journey from fashion to faith. Within these pages you will get an inside look at the industry and you will find a girl who struggled just as you do. The principles of true beauty she shares will shatter the illusion that beauty and success satisfy, leading you to the powerful, lasting knowledge of who you are in Gods sight: his beloved daughter, handcrafted to reflect His glory to the world.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781599795409
Páginas 208
Autor Strickland, Jennifer
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2012-09-20
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Charisma House

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