From Horror to Hope

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From Horror to Hope Grant, David
13,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781636411491
Páginas 192
Autor Grant, David
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2022-09-06
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Charisma House

Behind every testimony is an army of God’s warriors.

After reading this book, you will appreciate those who have dedicated their lives to preaching the Gospel, and you will empathize with those imprisoned by human trafficking as you see how God can redeem their lives.

Project Rescue was no grand strategy of a lone abolitionist who set out to stop sex slavery twenty-five years ago. Instead, courageous men and women of God in different cities of Southern Asia and Europe were led by the Spirit to take Jesus and hope to their cities’ darkest streets and victims of sex slavery. These pioneers had little in common to bring to this battle. But each one was marked by a daring willingness to obey God’s voice and a relentless belief that women and children in prostitution were indeed in the heart and plans of God. What made them different in the anti-trafficking space is that they decided to do the journey together, not alone.  
Project Rescue network ministry leaders have learned together, prayed together, shared resources, fought hell on behalf of God’s violated sons and daughters, and celebrated the hard-won victories of rescue and restoration together. These leaders asked themselves early on, “If organized crime can work together around the world for evil purposes of greed, injustice, and exploitation, why can’t good people - God’s people - work together across denominations, organizations, and borders for God’s great purposes of justice, freedom, and healing?”
In From Horror to Hope, Grant shares Project Rescue’s inspiring story of a growing collaborative movement to bring hope, restoration, and freedom to generations of trafficked women and their children around the world. But even more, it’s the grand story of God’s great love for victims of sexual exploitation and His amazing power to redeem and restore their lives.


Behind every testimony is an army of God’s warriors.

After reading this book, you will appreciate those who have dedicated their lives to preaching the Gospel, and you will empathize with those imprisoned by human trafficking as you see how God can redeem their lives.

Project Rescue was no grand strategy of a lone abolitionist who set out to stop sex slavery twenty-five years ago. Instead, courageous men and women of God in different cities of Southern Asia and Europe were led by the Spirit to take Jesus and hope to their cities’ darkest streets and victims of sex slavery. These pioneers had little in common to bring to this battle. But each one was marked by a daring willingness to obey God’s voice and a relentless belief that women and children in prostitution were indeed in the heart and plans of God. What made them different in the anti-trafficking space is that they decided to do the journey together, not alone.  
Project Rescue network ministry leaders have learned together, prayed together, shared resources, fought hell on behalf of God’s violated sons and daughters, and celebrated the hard-won victories of rescue and restoration together. These leaders asked themselves early on, “If organized crime can work together around the world for evil purposes of greed, injustice, and exploitation, why can’t good people - God’s people - work together across denominations, organizations, and borders for God’s great purposes of justice, freedom, and healing?”
In From Horror to Hope, Grant shares Project Rescue’s inspiring story of a growing collaborative movement to bring hope, restoration, and freedom to generations of trafficked women and their children around the world. But even more, it’s the grand story of God’s great love for victims of sexual exploitation and His amazing power to redeem and restore their lives.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781636411491
Páginas 192
Autor Grant, David
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2022-09-06
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Charisma House

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