Designed to Heal

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Designed to Heal Rall, Ben
19,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781636412405
Páginas 400
Autor Rall, Ben
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2023-06-06
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Siloam
There’s no greater healing than the one God designed you to have.

After reading this book, you will have the understanding of what healing really is, who it is meant for and why you can trust that God created you to live a whole, full and healed life.

God still heals—and we are divinely designed to heal. The Scriptures address healing from the beginning to the end! God created us with divine purpose and continues to provide everything we need for health and wholeness. However, the enemy desires to destroy this truth. Using fear, lies, and propaganda, Satan attempts to trick us into believe we are not designed to heal.

In Designed to Heal, Dr. Ben Rall refutes these lies and provides daily inspiration, revelation, and action steps that will guide and encourage readers along their healing and wellness journey. Readers will discover:
  • What the Bible has to say regarding wellness
  • Amazing and encouraging facts and statistics about healing
  • Daily action steps and questions for deeper reflection
  • Testimonials from patients who have experienced health victories
God designed our bodies to heal. With all the confusion surrounding health, this book offers readers insight and real-world action steps to break free of fear and discouragement and improve their health today!


There’s no greater healing than the one God designed you to have.

After reading this book, you will have the understanding of what healing really is, who it is meant for and why you can trust that God created you to live a whole, full and healed life.

God still heals—and we are divinely designed to heal. The Scriptures address healing from the beginning to the end! God created us with divine purpose and continues to provide everything we need for health and wholeness. However, the enemy desires to destroy this truth. Using fear, lies, and propaganda, Satan attempts to trick us into believe we are not designed to heal.

In Designed to Heal, Dr. Ben Rall refutes these lies and provides daily inspiration, revelation, and action steps that will guide and encourage readers along their healing and wellness journey. Readers will discover:
  • What the Bible has to say regarding wellness
  • Amazing and encouraging facts and statistics about healing
  • Daily action steps and questions for deeper reflection
  • Testimonials from patients who have experienced health victories
God designed our bodies to heal. With all the confusion surrounding health, this book offers readers insight and real-world action steps to break free of fear and discouragement and improve their health today!
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781636412405
Páginas 400
Autor Rall, Ben
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2023-06-06
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Siloam

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