Decoding the Prophet Jeremiah

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Decoding the Prophet Jeremiah Biltz, Mark
2,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781629997292
Páginas 224
Autor Biltz, Mark
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2020-10-06
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Charisma House
Could an ancient prophet hold a present key that will reveal the future?

Jeremiah was an Old Testament voice, but he still speaks to our day. Alone and living in a time of chaos, he was a prophet and Levitical priest whose fellow priests and prophets wanted him dead. In fact, everyone wanted him dead—the political leaders, his neighbors, and even his family.

At twenty-three years old Jeremiah was told to speak truth to power and not to worry what the consequences may be. God told him that people love to praise the Lord but refuse to do what He says. In spite of the judgments cascading upon the heads of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Lord promised a new covenant with Israel and Judah that would revolutionize their walk with Him. In Decoding the Prophet Jeremiah you will discover the following:

  • The warnings from God in Jeremiah’s day are for our generation as well.
  • Even when you feel betrayed by everyone, there is still hope.
  • God keeps His covenant and will never leave you or forsake you.

This book is a clarion call to all believers. We need to see the bigger picture: it is not about us but about God’s heart and God’s kingdom. God is looking for warriors who are about advancing His kingdom by storming the gates of hell and setting His sons and daughters free from the clutches of the greatest narcissist of all time.

Mark Biltz unpacks two books of the Bible written by the prophet Jeremiah: the Book of Lamentations and the Book of Jeremiah. Biltz has uncovered fascinating Hebraic codes within Lamentations, making this a truly unique message for readers.

This book will encourage you to persevere in your faith despite cultural shifts and pressures, much like what the prophet Jeremiah did.


Could an ancient prophet hold a present key that will reveal the future?

Jeremiah was an Old Testament voice, but he still speaks to our day. Alone and living in a time of chaos, he was a prophet and Levitical priest whose fellow priests and prophets wanted him dead. In fact, everyone wanted him dead—the political leaders, his neighbors, and even his family.

At twenty-three years old Jeremiah was told to speak truth to power and not to worry what the consequences may be. God told him that people love to praise the Lord but refuse to do what He says. In spite of the judgments cascading upon the heads of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Lord promised a new covenant with Israel and Judah that would revolutionize their walk with Him. In Decoding the Prophet Jeremiah you will discover the following:

  • The warnings from God in Jeremiah’s day are for our generation as well.
  • Even when you feel betrayed by everyone, there is still hope.
  • God keeps His covenant and will never leave you or forsake you.

This book is a clarion call to all believers. We need to see the bigger picture: it is not about us but about God’s heart and God’s kingdom. God is looking for warriors who are about advancing His kingdom by storming the gates of hell and setting His sons and daughters free from the clutches of the greatest narcissist of all time.

Mark Biltz unpacks two books of the Bible written by the prophet Jeremiah: the Book of Lamentations and the Book of Jeremiah. Biltz has uncovered fascinating Hebraic codes within Lamentations, making this a truly unique message for readers.

This book will encourage you to persevere in your faith despite cultural shifts and pressures, much like what the prophet Jeremiah did.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781629997292
Páginas 224
Autor Biltz, Mark
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2020-10-06
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Charisma House

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