Come Out From Among Them

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Come Out From Among Them Coconato, Todd
19,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781636412603
Páginas 240
Autor Coconato, Todd
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2023-07-04
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Charisma House
If God’s chosen people were meant to be set apart, then why are we staying trapped by the world?
After reading this book, you will have the boldness and the integrity to make an impact for the Kingdom of Heaven by tearing down the dark deceptions of the enemy that are plaguing our culture today.
In 2021, evangelist Todd Coconato had an angelic visitation that rocked him to the core. The angelic messenger told him two things: “Come out from among them,” and, “Be consecrated.” For the next year, Coconato sought God to understand the message for himself and the body of Christ.
In Come Out From Among Them, Coconato shares what he believes God is calling the body of Christ to in this season: to come out of the Babylon system and truly be set apart, not participating in the wickedness of this hour or listening to the modern-day prophets of Baal—the “fake news" media! This is a time of great shaking and awakening, and the church can no longer be a silent majority. This is a time for action.  
In this book, Coconato shows God’s remnant warriors how to:
  • Truly be set apart;
  • Refuse to conform to the wickedness of this hour; and
  • Take back the culture for the kingdom of God.


If God’s chosen people were meant to be set apart, then why are we staying trapped by the world?
After reading this book, you will have the boldness and the integrity to make an impact for the Kingdom of Heaven by tearing down the dark deceptions of the enemy that are plaguing our culture today.
In 2021, evangelist Todd Coconato had an angelic visitation that rocked him to the core. The angelic messenger told him two things: “Come out from among them,” and, “Be consecrated.” For the next year, Coconato sought God to understand the message for himself and the body of Christ.
In Come Out From Among Them, Coconato shares what he believes God is calling the body of Christ to in this season: to come out of the Babylon system and truly be set apart, not participating in the wickedness of this hour or listening to the modern-day prophets of Baal—the “fake news" media! This is a time of great shaking and awakening, and the church can no longer be a silent majority. This is a time for action.  
In this book, Coconato shows God’s remnant warriors how to:
  • Truly be set apart;
  • Refuse to conform to the wickedness of this hour; and
  • Take back the culture for the kingdom of God.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781636412603
Páginas 240
Autor Coconato, Todd
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2023-07-04
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Charisma House

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